Source code for benchbuild.utils.actions

This defines classes that can be used to implement a series of Actions.
import abc
from datetime import datetime
import enum
import functools as ft
import glob
import logging
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import traceback

import benchbuild.signals as signals
from benchbuild.settings import CFG
from benchbuild.utils.db import persist_experiment

from benchbuild.utils.cmd import mkdir, rm, rmdir, llvm_profdata
from plumbum import ProcessExecutionError, local

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@enum.unique class StepResult(enum.IntEnum): UNSET = 0 OK = 1 CAN_CONTINUE = 2 ERROR = 3
[docs]def to_step_result(f): @ft.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): res = f(*args, **kwargs) if not res: res = [StepResult.OK] if not hasattr(res, "__iter__"): res = [res] return res return wrapper
[docs]def prepend_status(f): @ft.wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): res = f(self, *args, **kwargs) if self.status is not StepResult.UNSET: res = "[{status}]".format( + res return res return wrapper
[docs]def notify_step_begin_end(f): @ft.wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): cls = self.__class__ on_step_begin = cls.ON_STEP_BEGIN on_step_end = cls.ON_STEP_END for begin_listener in on_step_begin: begin_listener(self) res = f(self, *args, **kwargs) for end_listener in on_step_end: end_listener(self, f) return res return wrapper
[docs]def log_before_after(name: str, desc: str): def func_decorator(f): @ft.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):"\n%s - %s", name, desc) res = f(*args, **kwargs) if StepResult.ERROR not in res:"%s - OK\n", name) else: LOG.error("%s - ERROR\n", name) return res return wrapper return func_decorator
[docs]class StepClass(abc.ABCMeta): def __new__(metacls, name, bases, namespace, **kwds): result = abc.ABCMeta.__new__(metacls, name, bases, dict(namespace)) NAME = result.NAME DESCRIPTION = result.DESCRIPTION if NAME and DESCRIPTION: result.__call__ = log_before_after( NAME, DESCRIPTION)(to_step_result(result.__call__)) else: result.__call__ = to_step_result(result.__call__) result.__str__ = prepend_status(result.__str__) return result
[docs]class Step(metaclass=StepClass): NAME = None DESCRIPTION = None ON_STEP_BEGIN = [] ON_STEP_END = [] def __init__(self, project_or_experiment, action_fn=None): self._obj = project_or_experiment self._action_fn = action_fn self._status = StepResult.UNSET def __len__(self): return 1 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): raise StopIteration @notify_step_begin_end def __call__(self): if not self._action_fn: return StepResult.ERROR self._action_fn() self.status = StepResult.OK return StepResult.OK def __str__(self, indent=0): return textwrap.indent( "* {name}: Execute configured action.".format(, indent * " ") @property def status(self): return self._status @status.setter def status(self, value): self._status = value
[docs] def onerror(self): Clean(self._obj)()
[docs]class Clean(Step): NAME = "CLEAN" DESCRIPTION = "Cleans the build directory" def __init__(self, project_or_experiment, action_fn=None, check_empty=False): super(Clean, self).__init__(project_or_experiment, action_fn) self.check_empty = check_empty def __clean_mountpoints__(self, root: str): """ Unmount any remaining mountpoints under :root. Args: root: All UnionFS-mountpoints under this directory will be unmounted. """ import psutil umount_paths = [] real_root = os.path.realpath(root) for part in psutil.disk_partitions(all=True): if os.path.commonpath([part.mountpoint, real_root]) == real_root: if not part.fstype == "fuse.unionfs": LOG.error("NON-UnionFS mountpoint found under %s", root) else: umount_paths.append(part.mountpoint) @notify_step_begin_end def __call__(self): if not CFG['clean'].value(): LOG.warn("Clean disabled by config.") return if not self._obj: LOG.warn("No object assigned to this action.") return obj_builddir = os.path.abspath(self._obj.builddir) if os.path.exists(obj_builddir): LOG.debug("Path %s exists", obj_builddir) self.__clean_mountpoints__(obj_builddir) if self.check_empty: rmdir(obj_builddir, retcode=None) else: rm("-rf", obj_builddir) else: LOG.debug("Path %s did not exist anymore", obj_builddir) self.status = StepResult.OK def __str__(self, indent=0): return textwrap.indent("* {0}: Clean the directory: {1}".format(, self._obj.builddir), indent * " ")
[docs]class MakeBuildDir(Step): NAME = "MKDIR" DESCRIPTION = "Create the build directory" @notify_step_begin_end def __call__(self): if not self._obj: return if not os.path.exists(self._obj.builddir): mkdir("-p", self._obj.builddir) self.status = StepResult.OK def __str__(self, indent=0): return textwrap.indent( "* {0}: Create the build directory".format(, indent * " ")
[docs]class Prepare(Step): NAME = "PREPARE" DESCRIPTION = "Prepare project build folder" def __init__(self, project): super(Prepare, self).__init__(project, project.prepare) def __str__(self, indent=0): return textwrap.indent("* {0}: Prepare".format(, indent * " ")
[docs]class Download(Step): NAME = "DOWNLOAD" DESCRIPTION = "Download project source files" def __init__(self, project): super(Download, self).__init__(project, def __str__(self, indent=0): return textwrap.indent("* {0}: Download".format(, indent * " ")
[docs]class Configure(Step): NAME = "CONFIGURE" DESCRIPTION = "Configure project source files" def __init__(self, project): super(Configure, self).__init__(project, project.configure) def __str__(self, indent=0): return textwrap.indent("* {0}: Configure".format(, indent * " ")
[docs]class Build(Step): NAME = "BUILD" DESCRIPTION = "Build the project" def __init__(self, project): super(Build, self).__init__(project, def __str__(self, indent=0): return textwrap.indent("* {0}: Compile".format(, indent * " ")
[docs]class Run(Step): NAME = "RUN" DESCRIPTION = "Execute the run action" def __init__(self, project): action_fn = ft.partial(, project.runtime_extension) super(Run, self).__init__(project, action_fn) @notify_step_begin_end def __call__(self): if not self._obj: return if not self._action_fn: return self._action_fn() self.status = StepResult.OK def __str__(self, indent=0): return textwrap.indent( "* {0}: Execute run-time tests.".format(, indent * " ")
[docs]class Echo(Step): NAME = 'ECHO' DESCRIPTION = 'Print a message.' def __init__(self, message): self._message = message self._status = StepResult.UNSET def __str__(self, indent=0): return textwrap.indent("* echo: {0}".format(self._message), indent * " ") @notify_step_begin_end def __call__(self):
[docs]class Any(Step): NAME = "ANY" DESCRIPTION = "Just run all actions, no questions asked." def __init__(self, actions): self._actions = actions super(Any, self).__init__(None, None) def __len__(self): return sum([len(x) for x in self._actions]) + 1 def __iter__(self): return self._actions.__iter__() @notify_step_begin_end def __call__(self): length = len(self._actions) cnt = 0 results = [StepResult.OK] for a in self._actions: cnt = cnt + 1 result = a() results.append(result) if StepResult.ERROR in result: LOG.warning("%d actions left in queue", length - cnt) self.status = StepResult.OK if StepResult.ERROR in results: self.status = StepResult.CAN_CONTINUE def __str__(self, indent=0): sub_actns = [a.__str__(indent + 1) for a in self._actions] sub_actns = "\n".join(sub_actns) return textwrap.indent("* Execute all of:\n" + sub_actns, indent * " ")
[docs]class Experiment(Any): NAME = "EXPERIMENT" DESCRIPTION = "Run a experiment, wrapped in a db transaction" def __init__(self, experiment, actions): self._experiment = experiment actions = \ [Echo("Start experiment: {0}".format(] + \ actions + \ [Echo("Completed experiment: {0}".format(] super(Experiment, self).__init__(actions)
[docs] def begin_transaction(self): experiment, session = persist_experiment(self._experiment) if experiment.begin is None: experiment.begin = else: experiment.begin = min(experiment.begin, session.add(experiment) session.commit() # React to external signals signals.handlers.register(self.end_transaction, experiment, session) return experiment, session
[docs] def end_transaction(self, experiment, session): if experiment.end is None: experiment.end = else: experiment.end = max(experiment.end, session.add(experiment) session.commit()
@notify_step_begin_end def __call__(self): results = [] experiment = None session = None try: res = self.begin_transaction() experiment = res[0] session = res[1] for a in self._actions: try: result = a() results.extend(result) except KeyboardInterrupt:"Experiment aborting by user request") results.append(StepResult.ERROR) break except Exception: LOG.error("Experiment terminates " "because we got an exception:") e_type, e_value, e_traceb = sys.exc_info() lines = traceback.format_exception( e_type, e_value, e_traceb) results.append(StepResult.ERROR) LOG.error("".join(lines)) break finally: self.end_transaction(experiment, session) signals.handlers.deregister(self.end_transaction, experiment, session) self.status = max(results) return results def __str__(self, indent=0): sub_actns = [a.__str__(indent + 1) for a in self._actions] sub_actns = "\n".join(sub_actns) return textwrap.indent( "\nExperiment: {0}\n".format( + sub_actns, indent * " ")
[docs]class RequireAll(Step): def __init__(self, actions): self._actions = actions super(RequireAll, self).__init__(None, None) def __len__(self): return sum([len(x) for x in self._actions]) + 1 def __iter__(self): return self._actions.__iter__() @notify_step_begin_end def __call__(self): results = [] for i, action in enumerate(self._actions): try: results.extend(action()) except ProcessExecutionError as proc_ex: LOG.error("\n==== ERROR ====") LOG.error( "Execution of a binary failed in step: %s", str(action)) LOG.error(str(proc_ex)) LOG.error("==== ERROR ====\n") results.append(StepResult.ERROR) except KeyboardInterrupt:"User requested termination.") action.onerror() results.append(StepResult.ERROR) raise except (OSError) as os_ex: LOG.error("Exception in step #%d: %s", i, str(action), exc_info=sys.exc_info()) results.append(StepResult.ERROR) if StepResult.ERROR in results: LOG.error("Execution of #%d: '%s' failed.", i, str(action)) LOG.error("'%s' cannot continue.", str(self)) action.status = StepResult.ERROR action.onerror() self.status = StepResult.ERROR return results self.status = StepResult.OK return results def __str__(self, indent=0): sub_actns = [a.__str__(indent + 1) for a in self._actions] sub_actns = "\n".join(sub_actns) return textwrap.indent("* All required:\n" + sub_actns, indent * " ")
[docs]class CleanExtra(Step): NAME = "CLEAN EXTRA" DESCRIPTION = "Cleans the extra directories." @notify_step_begin_end def __call__(self): if not CFG['clean'].value(): return StepResult.OK paths = CFG["cleanup_paths"].value() for p in paths: if os.path.exists(p): rm("-r", p) self.status = StepResult.OK def __str__(self, indent=0): paths = CFG["cleanup_paths"].value() lines = [] for p in paths: lines.append(textwrap.indent("* Clean the directory: {0}".format( p), indent * " ")) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]class SaveProfile(Step): NAME = "SAVEPROFILE" DESCRIPTION = "Save a profile in llvm format in the DB" def __init__(self, project_or_experiment, filename): super(SaveProfile, self).__init__(project_or_experiment, None) self.filename = filename @notify_step_begin_end def __call__(self): from benchbuild.utils.db import persist_file from benchbuild.project import Project if not isinstance(self._obj, Project): raise AttributeError obj_builddir = self._obj.builddir outfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(obj_builddir, self.filename)) profiles = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(obj_builddir, "raw-profiles")) with local.cwd(profiles): merge_profdata = llvm_profdata["merge", "-output={}".format(outfile)] merge_profdata = merge_profdata[glob.glob('default_*.profraw')] merge_profdata() exp_id = run_group = self._obj.run_uuid persist_file(outfile, exp_id, run_group) self.status = StepResult.OK
[docs]class RetrieveFile(Step): NAME = "RETRIEVEFILE" DESCRIPTION = "Retrieve a file from the database" def __init__(self, project_or_experiment, filename, run_group): super(RetrieveFile, self).__init__(project_or_experiment, None) self.filename = filename self.run_group = run_group @notify_step_begin_end def __call__(self): from benchbuild.project import Project from benchbuild.utils.db import extract_file if not isinstance(self._obj, Project): raise AttributeError obj_builddir = self._obj.builddir outfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(obj_builddir, self.filename)) exp_id = extract_file(self.filename, outfile, exp_id, self.run_group) self.status = StepResult.OK