Source code for benchbuild.test

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from plumbum import cli
from benchbuild.driver import PollyProfiling
from benchbuild.settings import CFG
import os

[docs]@PollyProfiling.subcommand("test") class BenchBuildTest(cli.Application): """ Create regression tests for polyjit from the measurements database. """
[docs] @cli.switch(["-P", "--prefix"], str, help="Prefix for our regression-test image.") def prefix(self, prefix): CFG["regression_prefix"] = os.path.abspath(prefix)
[docs] def opt_flags(self): return ["-load", "", "-O3", "-jitable", "-polli", "-polly-only-scop-detection", "-polly-delinearize=false", "-polly-detect-keep-going", "-no-recompilation", "-polli-analyze", "-disable-output", "-stats"]
[docs] def get_check_line(self, name, module): from plumbum import local from benchbuild.utils.compiler import llvm_libs from benchbuild.utils.cmd import sed, opt with local.env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH=llvm_libs()): # Magic. ;-) ret, _, err = \ (opt[self.opt_flags()] << (sed[r"0,/\#0/s///"] << module)()).run(retcode=None) if not ret == 0: print(("{0} is broken:".format(name))) print(err) return """ ; CHECK: 1 polyjit - Number of jitable SCoPs """
[docs] def main(self): from benchbuild.utils.schema import Session, RegressionTest from benchbuild.utils.cmd import mkdir, sed prefix = CFG["regression-prefix"] if not os.path.exists(prefix): mkdir("-p", prefix) session = Session() for elem in session.query(RegressionTest).order_by( RegressionTest.project_name): sub_dir = os.path.join(prefix, elem.project_name) if not os.path.exists(sub_dir): mkdir("-p", sub_dir) test_path = os.path.join(sub_dir, + ".ll") with open(test_path, 'w') as test_f: test_f.write(""" ; RUN: opt {opt_flags} < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s """.format(opt_flags=" ".join(self.opt_flags()))) test_f.write(self.get_check_line(test_path, elem.module)) test_f.write(elem.module) (sed["-i", r"0,/\#0/s///", test_path])()