Source code for benchbuild.settings

Settings module for benchbuild.

All settings are stored in a simple dictionary. Each
setting should be modifiable via environment variable.
import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import uuid
import re
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
import yaml

from plumbum import local

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def available_cpu_count(): """ Get the number of available CPUs. Number of available virtual or physical CPUs on this system, i.e. user/real as output by time(1) when called with an optimally scaling userspace-only program. Returns: Number of avaialable CPUs. """ # cpuset # cpuset may restrict the number of *available* processors try: match ='(?m)^Cpus_allowed:\s*(.*)$', open('/proc/self/status').read()) if match: res = bin(int(',', ''), 16)).count('1') if res > 0: return res except IOError: LOG.debug("Could not get the number of allowed CPUs") # try: import psutil return psutil.cpu_count() # psutil.NUM_CPUS on old versions except (ImportError, AttributeError): LOG.debug("Could not get the number of allowed CPUs") # POSIX try: res = int(os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN')) if res > 0: return res except (AttributeError, ValueError): LOG.debug("Could not get the number of allowed CPUs") # Linux try: res = open('/proc/cpuinfo').read().count('processor\t:') if res > 0: return res except IOError: LOG.debug("Could not get the number of allowed CPUs") raise Exception('Can not determine number of CPUs on this system')
[docs]class InvalidConfigKey(RuntimeWarning): """Warn, if you access a non-existing key benchbuild's configuration."""
[docs]class UUIDEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Encoder module for UUID objects."""
[docs] def default(self, o): """Encode UUID objects as string.""" if isinstance(o, uuid.UUID): return str(o) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
[docs]def escape_json(raw_str): """ Shell-Escape a json input string. Args: raw_str: The unescaped string. """ json_list = '[' json_set = '{' if json_list not in raw_str and json_set not in raw_str: return raw_str str_quotes = '"' i_str_quotes = "'" if str_quotes in raw_str and str_quotes not in raw_str[1:-1]: return raw_str if str_quotes in raw_str[1:-1]: raw_str = i_str_quotes + raw_str + i_str_quotes else: raw_str = str_quotes + raw_str + str_quotes return raw_str
[docs]def is_yaml(cfg_file): return os.path.splitext(cfg_file)[1] in [".yml", ".yaml"]
[docs]class Configuration(): """ Dictionary-like data structure to contain all configuration variables. This serves as a configuration dictionary throughout benchbuild. You can use it to access all configuration options that are available. Whenever the structure is updated with a new subtree, all variables defined in the new subtree are updated from the environment. Environment variables are generated from the tree paths automatically. CFG["build_dir"] becomes BB_BUILD_DIR CFG["llvm"]["dir"] becomes BB_LLVM_DIR The configuration can be stored/loaded as JSON. Examples: >>> from benchbuild import settings as s >>> c = s.Configuration('bb') >>> c['test'] = 42 >>> c['test'] BB_TEST=42 >>> str(c['test']) '42' >>> type(c['test']) <class 'benchbuild.settings.Configuration'> """ def __init__(self, parent_key, node=None, parent=None, init=True): self.parent = parent self.parent_key = parent_key self.node = node if node is not None else {} if init: self.init_from_env()
[docs] def filter_exports(self): if self.has_default(): do_export = True if "export" in self.node: do_export = self.node["export"] if not do_export: self.parent.node.pop(self.parent_key) else: selfcopy = copy.deepcopy(self) for k in self.node: if selfcopy[k].is_leaf(): selfcopy[k].filter_exports() self.__dict__ = selfcopy.__dict__
[docs] def store(self, config_file): """ Store the configuration dictionary to a file.""" selfcopy = copy.deepcopy(self) selfcopy.filter_exports() with open(config_file, 'w') as outf: if is_yaml(config_file): yaml.dump(selfcopy.node, outf, width=80, indent=4, default_flow_style=False) else: json.dump(selfcopy.node, outf, cls=UUIDEncoder, indent=True)
[docs] def load(self, _from): """Load the configuration dictionary from file.""" def load_rec(inode, config): """Recursive part of loading.""" for k in config: if isinstance(config[k], dict) and \ k not in ['value', 'default']: if k in inode: load_rec(inode[k], config[k]) else: LOG.debug("+ config element: '%s'", k) else: inode[k] = config[k] with open(_from, 'r') as infile: if is_yaml(_from): load_rec(self.node, yaml.load(infile)) else: load_rec(self.node, json.load(infile)) self['config_file'] = os.path.abspath(_from)"Loaded from %s" % _from)
[docs] def has_value(self): """Check, if the node contains a 'value'.""" return isinstance(self.node, dict) and 'value' in self.node
[docs] def has_default(self): """Check, if the node contains a 'default' value.""" return isinstance(self.node, dict) and 'default' in self.node
[docs] def is_leaf(self): """Check, if the node is a 'leaf' node.""" return self.has_value() or self.has_default()
[docs] def init_from_env(self): """ Initialize this node from environment. If we're a leaf node, i.e., a node containing a dictionary that consist of a 'default' key, compute our env variable and initialize our value from the environment. Otherwise, init our children. """ if 'default' in self.node: env_var = self.__to_env_var__().upper() if self.has_value(): env_val = os.getenv(env_var, self.node['value']) else: env_val = os.getenv(env_var, self.node['default']) try: self.node['value'] = json.loads(str(env_val)) except ValueError: self.node['value'] = env_val else: if isinstance(self.node, dict): for k in self.node: self[k].init_from_env()
[docs] def update(self, cfg_dict): """ Update the configuration dictionary with new content. This just delegates the update down to the internal data structure. No validation is done on the format, be sure you know what you do. Args: cfg_dict: A configuration dictionary. """ self.node.update(cfg_dict.node)
[docs] def value(self): """ Return the node value, if we're a leaf node. Examples: >>> from benchbuild import settings as s >>> c = s.Configuration("test") >>> c['x'] = { "y" : { "value" : None }, "z" : { "value" : 2 }} >>> c['x']['y'].value() == None True >>> c['x']['z'].value() 2 >>> c['x'].value() TEST_X_Y=null TEST_X_Z=2 """ if 'value' in self.node: return self.node['value'] else: return self
def __getitem__(self, key): if key not in self.node: warnings.warn( "Access to non-existing config element: {0}".format(key), category=InvalidConfigKey, stacklevel=2) return Configuration(key, init=False) return Configuration(key, parent=self, node=self.node[key], init=False) def __setitem__(self, key, val): if key in self.node: self.node[key]['value'] = val else: if isinstance(val, dict): self.node[key] = val else: self.node[key] = {'value': val} def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.node def __str__(self): if 'value' in self.node: return str(self.node['value']) else: warnings.warn("Tried to get the str() value of an inner node.", stacklevel=2) return str(self.node) def __repr__(self): _repr = [] if self.has_value(): return self.__to_env_var__() + "=" + escape_json(json.dumps( self.node['value'])) if self.has_default(): return self.__to_env_var__() + "=" + escape_json(json.dumps( self.node['default'])) for k in self.node: _repr.append(repr(self[k])) return "\n".join(sorted(_repr)) def __to_env_var__(self): parent_key = self.parent_key if self.parent: return ( self.parent.__to_env_var__() + "_" + parent_key).upper() return parent_key.upper()
[docs]def to_env_dict(config): """Convert configuration object to a flat dictionary.""" entries = {} if config.has_value(): return {config.__to_env_var__(): config.node['value']} if config.has_default(): return {config.__to_env_var__(): config.node['default']} for k in config.node: entries.update(to_env_dict(config[k])) return entries
# Initialize the global configuration once. CFG = Configuration( "bb", node={ "version": { "desc": "Version Number", "default": "2.0.1-$Id: b9b13c9242c155f6fda66e981d19e23e39941f36 $", "export": False }, "verbosity": { "desc": "The verbosity level of the logger. Range: 0-4", "default": 0 }, "debug": { "desc": "Should debug logging be enabled?", "default": False }, "config_file": { "desc": "Config file path of benchbuild. Not guaranteed to exist.", "default": None, }, "src_dir": { "desc": "source directory of benchbuild. Usually the git repo root dir.", "default": os.getcwd() }, "build_dir": { "desc": "build directory of benchbuild. All intermediate projects will " "be placed here", "default": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "results") }, "test_dir": { "desc": "Additional test inputs, required for (some) run-time tests." "These can be obtained from the a different repo. Most " "projects don't need it", "default": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "testinputs") }, "tmp_dir": { "desc": "Temporary dir. This will be used for caching downloads.", "default": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp") }, "path": { "desc": "Additional PATH variable for benchbuild.", "default": "" }, "ld_library_path": { "desc": "Additional library path for benchbuild.", "default": "" }, "jobs": { "desc": "Number of jobs that can be used for building and running.", "default": str(available_cpu_count()) }, "experiments": { "default": { "empty": str(uuid.uuid4()) }, "desc": "Dictionary of all experiments we want a defined uuid for." }, "clean": { "default": True, "desc": "Clean temporary objects, after completion.", }, "experiment_description": { "default": str(, "export": False }, "regression_prefix": { "default": os.path.join("/", "tmp", "benchbuild-regressions") }, "benchbuild_prefix": { "default": os.getcwd() }, "benchbuild_ebuild": { "default": "" }, "cleanup_paths": { "default": [], "desc": "List of existing paths that benchbuild should delete in addition " "to the default cleanup steps.", "export": False }, "use_database": { "desc": "LEGACY: Store results from libpprof in the database.", "default": 1 }, "sequence": { "desc": "The name of the sequence that should be used for " "preoptimization.", "default": "no_preperation" } }) CFG["unionfs"] = { "enable": { "default": True, "desc": "Wrap all project operations in a unionfs filesystem." }, "base_dir": { "default": './base', "desc": 'Path of the unpacked container.' }, "image": { "default": './image', "desc": 'Name of the image directory' }, "image_prefix": { "default": None, "desc": "Prefix for the unionfs image directory." } } CFG["env"] = { "ld_library_path": { "desc": "LD_LIBRARY_PATH for benchbuild.", "default": [] }, "path": { "desc": "PATH for benchbuild.", "default": [] } } CFG["llvm"] = { "dir": { "desc": "Path to LLVM. This will be required.", "default": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "install") }, "src": { "default": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "benchbuild-llvm") }, } CFG['db'] = { "host": { "desc": "host name of our db.", "default": "localhost" }, "port": { "desc": "port to connect to the database", "default": 5432 }, "name": { "desc": "The name of the PostgreSQL database that will be used.", "default": "benchbuild" }, "user": { "desc": "The name of the PostgreSQL user to connect to the database with.", "default": "benchbuild" }, "pass": { "desc": "The password for the PostgreSQL user used to connect to the database " "with.", "default": "benchbuild" }, "rollback": { "desc": "Rollback all operations after benchbuild completes.", "default": False }, "dialect": { "desc": "Which database backend should we use? " "Refer to sqlalchemy for available options.", "default": "postgresql+psycopg2" }, "create_functions": { "default": False, "desc": "Should we recreate our SQL functions from scratch?" } } CFG['gentoo'] = { "autotest_lang": { "default": "", "desc": "Language filter for ebuilds, like C or C++." }, "autotest_use": { "default": "", "desc": "USE filter for ebuilds. Filters packages without the given use flags." }, "autotest_loc": { "default": "/tmp/gentoo-autotest", "desc": "Location for the list of auto generated ebuilds." }, "http_proxy": { "default": None, "desc": "HTTP Proxy to use for downloads." }, "rsync_proxy": { "default": None, "desc": "RSYNC Proxy to use for downloads." }, "ftp_proxy": { "default": None, "desc": "FTP Proxy to use for downloads." } } CFG["slurm"] = { "account": { "desc": "The SLURM account to use by default.", "default": "cl" }, "partition": { "desc": "The SLURM partition to use by default.", "default": "chimaira" }, "script": { "desc": "Name of the script that can be passed to SLURM. Used by external " "tools.", "default": "" }, "cpus_per_task": { "desc": "Number of CPUs that should be requested from SLURM. Used by external " "tools.", "default": 10 }, "node_dir": { "desc": "Node directory, when executing on a cluster node. This is not " "used by benchbuild directly, but by external scripts.", "default": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "results") }, "timelimit": { "desc": "The timelimit we want to give to a job", "default": "12:00:00" }, "exclusive": { "desc": "Shall we reserve a node exclusively, or share it with others?", "default": True }, "multithread": { "desc": "Hint SLURM to allow multithreading. (--hint=nomultithread)", "default": False }, "turbo": { "desc": "Disable Intel Turbo Boost via SLURM. (--pstate-turbo=off)", "default": False }, "logs": { "desc": "Location the SLURM logs will be stored", "default": "slurm.log" }, "nice": { "desc": "Add a niceness value on our priority", "default": 0 }, "nice_clean": { "desc": "Add a niceness value on our cleanup job priority", "default": 2500 }, "max_running": { "desc": "Limit the number of concurrent running array jobs", "default": 0 }, "node_image": { "desc": "Path to the archive we want on each cluster node.", "default": os.path.join(os.path.curdir, "llvm.tar.gz") }, "extra_log": { "desc": "Extra log file to be managed by SLURM", "default": "/tmp/.slurm" } } CFG["perf"] = { "config": { "default": None, "desc": "A configuration for the pollyperformance experiment." } } CFG["cs"] = { "components": { "default": None, "desc": "List of filters for compilestats components." }, "names": { "default": None, "desc": "List of filters for compilestats names." } } CFG["uchroot"] = { "repo": { "default": "", "desc": "GIT Repo URL for erlent." } } CFG["plugins"] = { "autoload": { "default": True, "desc": "Should automatic load of plugins be enabled?" }, "reports": { "default": [ "benchbuild.reports.raw", "benchbuild.reports.status" ], "desc": "Report plugins." }, "experiments": { "default": [ "benchbuild.experiments.raw", "benchbuild.experiments.compilestats", "benchbuild.experiments.polyjit", "benchbuild.experiments.empty", "benchbuild.experiments.papi", "benchbuild.experiments.pjtest", "benchbuild.experiments.pj_raw", "benchbuild.experiments.pj_likwid", "benchbuild.experiments.pj_collect", "benchbuild.experiments.pj_cs", "benchbuild.experiments.pj_papi", "benchbuild.experiments.pj_sequence", "benchbuild.experiments.pgo", "benchbuild.experiments.pollytest", "benchbuild.experiments.profileScopDetection", "benchbuild.experiments.mse", "benchbuild.experiments.ijpp" ], "desc": "The experiment plugins we know about." }, "projects": { "default": [ "benchbuild.projects.gentoo", "benchbuild.projects.lnt.lnt", "benchbuild.projects.polybench.polybench", "benchbuild.projects.polybench.polybench-mod", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.bots", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.bzip2", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.ccrypt", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.crafty", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.crocopat", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.ffmpeg", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.gzip", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.js", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.lammps", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.lapack", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.leveldb", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.linpack", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.lulesh", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.luleshomp", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.mcrypt", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.minisat", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.openssl", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.povray", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.python", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.rasdaman", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.ruby", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.sdcc", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.sevenz", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.sqlite3", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.tcc", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.x264", "benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.xz", "benchbuild.projects.apollo.scimark", "benchbuild.projects.apollo.rodinia", "benchbuild.projects.test.test" ], "desc": "The project plugins we know about." } } CFG["container"] = { "input": { "default": "container.tar.bz2", "desc": "Input container file/folder." }, "output": { "default": "container-out.tar.bz2", "desc": "Output container file." }, "mounts": { "default": [], "desc": "List of paths that will be mounted inside the container." }, "prefixes": { "default": [], "desc": "List of paths that will be treated as an " "existing prefix inside a container." }, "shell": { "default": "/bin/bash", "desc": "Command string that should be used as shell command." }, "known": { "default": [], "desc": "List of known containers. Format: " "[{ 'path': <path>," " 'hash': <hash> }]" }, "images": { "default": { "gentoo": "gentoo.tar.bz2", "ubuntu": "ubuntu.tar.bz2" } }, "prefered": { "default": [], "desc": "List of containers of which the project can chose from." "Format:" "[{ 'path': <path> }]" }, "strategy": { "polyjit": { "sync": {"default": True, "desc": "Update portage tree?"}, "upgrade": {"default": True, "desc": "Upgrade all packages?"}, "packages": { "default": [ {"name": "sys-devel/gcc:5.4.0", "env": { "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64", "USE": "-filecaps" }}, {"name": "dev-db/postgresql:9.5", "env": {}}, {"name": "dev-python/pip", "env": {}}, {"name": "net-misc/curl", "env": {}}, {"name": "sys-apps/likwid", "env": { "USE": "-filecaps", "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64" }}, {"name": "dev-libs/libpfm", "env": { "USE": "static-libs", "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64" }}, {"name": "sys-process/time", "env": {}}, {"name": "=dev-util/boost-build-1.58.0", "env": { "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64" }}, {"name": "=dev-libs/boost-1.62-r1", "env": { "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64" }}, {"name": "dev-libs/libpqxx", "env": {}}, {"name": "dev-lang/python-3.5.3", "env": { "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64" }}, {"name": "dev-python/dill", "env": { "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS": "~amd64" }} ], "desc": "A list of gentoo package atoms that should be merged." } } } }
[docs]def find_config(test_file=None, defaults=[ ".benchbuild.yml", ".benchbuild.yaml", ".benchbuild.json" ], root=os.curdir): """ Find the path to the default config file. We look at :root: for the :default: config file. If we can't find it there we start looking at the parent directory recursively until we find a file named :default: and return the absolute path to it. If we can't find anything, we return None. Args: default: The name of the config file we look for. root: The directory to start looking for. Returns: Path to the default config file, None if we can't find anything. """ def walk_rec(cur_path, root): cur_path = os.path.join(root, test_file) if os.path.exists(cur_path): return cur_path else: new_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, os.pardir)) return walk_rec(cur_path, new_root) if new_root != root else None if test_file is not None: return walk_rec(test_file, root) else: for test_file in defaults: ret = walk_rec(test_file, root) if ret is not None: return ret
def __init_config(cfg): """ This will initialize the given configuration object. The following resources are available in the same order: 1) Default settings. 2) Config file. 3) Environment variables. WARNING: Environment variables do _not_ take precedence over the config file right now. (init_from_env will refuse to update the value, if there is already one.) """ config_path = os.getenv("BB_CONFIG_FILE", None) if not config_path: config_path = find_config() if config_path: cfg.load(config_path) cfg["config_file"] = os.path.abspath(config_path)"Configuration loaded from %s", os.path.abspath(config_path)) cfg.init_from_env()
[docs]def update_env(): path = CFG["env"]["path"].value() path = os.path.pathsep.join(path) if "PATH" in os.environ: path = os.path.pathsep.join([path, os.environ["PATH"]]) os.environ["PATH"] = path lib_path = CFG["env"]["ld_library_path"].value() lib_path = os.path.pathsep.join(lib_path) if "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in os.environ: lib_path = os.path.pathsep.join([lib_path, os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]]) os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = lib_path # Update local's env property because we changed the environment # of the running python process. local.env.update(PATH=os.environ["PATH"]) local.env.update(LD_LIBRARY_PATH=os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"])
__init_config(CFG) update_env()