Source code for benchbuild.likwid

Likwid helper functions.

Extract information from likwid's CSV output.

[docs]def fetch_cols(fstream, split_char=','): """ Fetch columns from likwid's output stream. Args: fstream: The filestream with likwid's output. split_car (str): The character we split on, default ',' Returns (list(str)): A list containing the elements of fstream, after splitting at split_char. """ return fstream.readline().strip().split(split_char)
[docs]def read_struct(fstream): """ Read a likwid struct from the text stream. Args: fstream: Likwid's filestream. Returns (dict(str: str)): A dict containing all likwid's struct info as key/value pairs. """ line = fstream.readline().strip() fragments = line.split(",") fragments = [x for x in fragments if x is not None] partition = dict() if not len(fragments) >= 3: return None partition["struct"] = fragments[0] partition["info"] = fragments[1] partition["num_lines"] = fragments[2] struct = None if partition is not None and partition["struct"] == "STRUCT": num_lines = int(partition["num_lines"].strip()) struct = {} for _ in range(num_lines): cols = fetch_cols(fstream) struct.update({cols[0]: cols[1:]}) return struct
[docs]def read_table(fstream): """ Read a likwid table info from the text stream. Args: fstream: Likwid's filestream. Returns (dict(str: str)): A dict containing likwid's table info as key/value pairs. """ pos = fstream.tell() line = fstream.readline().strip() fragments = line.split(",") fragments = [x for x in fragments if x is not None] partition = dict() if not len(fragments) >= 4: return None partition["table"] = fragments[0] partition["group"] = fragments[1] partition["set"] = fragments[2] partition["num_lines"] = fragments[3] struct = None if partition is not None and partition["table"] == "TABLE": num_lines = int(partition["num_lines"].strip()) struct = {} header = fetch_cols(fstream) struct.update({header[0]: header[1:]}) for _ in range(num_lines): cols = fetch_cols(fstream) struct.update({cols[0]: cols[1:]}) else: return struct
[docs]def read_structs(fstream): """ Read all structs from likwid's file stream. Args: fstream: Likwid's output file stream. Returns: A generator that can be used to iterate over all structs in the fstream. """ struct = read_struct(fstream) while struct is not None: yield struct struct = read_struct(fstream)
[docs]def read_tables(fstream): """ Read all tables from likwid's file stream. Args: fstream: Likwid's output file stream. Returns: A generator that can be used to iterate over all tables in the fstream. """ table = read_table(fstream) while table is not None: yield table table = read_table(fstream)
[docs]def get_measurements(region, core_info, data, extra_offset=0): """ Get the complete measurement info from likwid's region info. Args: region: The region we took a measurement in. core_info: The core information. data: The raw data. extra_offset (int): default = 0 Returns (list((region, metric, core, value))): A list of measurement tuples, a tuple contains the information about the region, the metric, the core and the actual value. """ measurements = [] clean_core_info = [x for x in core_info if x] cores = len(clean_core_info) for k in data: if k not in ["1", "Region Info", "Event", "Metric", "CPU clock"]: slot = data[k] for i in range(cores): core = core_info[i] idx = extra_offset + i if core and slot[idx]: measurements.append((region, k, core, slot[idx])) return measurements
[docs]def get_likwid_perfctr(infile): """ Get a complete list of all measurements. Args: infile: The filestream containing all likwid output. Returns: A list of all measurements extracted from likwid's file stream. """ measurements = [] with open(infile, 'r') as in_file: read_struct(in_file) for region_struct in read_structs(in_file): region = region_struct["1"][1] core_info = region_struct["Region Info"] measurements += \ get_measurements(region, core_info, region_struct) for table_struct in read_tables(in_file): core_info = None if "Event" in table_struct: offset = 1 core_info = table_struct["Event"][offset:] measurements += get_measurements(region, core_info, table_struct, offset) elif "Metric" in table_struct: core_info = table_struct["Metric"] measurements += get_measurements(region, core_info, table_struct) return measurements