Source code for benchbuild.experiments.pj_sequence

The 'sequence analysis' experiment suite.

Each experiment generates sequences of flags for a compiler command using an
algorithm that calculates a best sequence in its own way. For calculating the
value of a sequence (called fitness) regions and scops are being compared to
each other and together generate the fitness value of a sequence.
The used metric depends on the experiment, the fitness is being calculated for.

The fittest generated sequences and the compilestats of the whole progress are
then written into a persisted data base for further analysis.
import csv
import os
import random
import concurrent.futures as cf
import multiprocessing
import sys
import parse
import sqlalchemy as sa

import benchbuild.extensions as ext
from benchbuild.experiments.polyjit import PolyJIT
from benchbuild.settings import CFG

from benchbuild.utils.cmd import (mktemp)
from import track_execution
from benchbuild.reports import Report
from plumbum import local

    '-targetlibinfo', '-tti', '-tbaa', '-scoped-noalias', '-loop-simplify',
    '-assumption-cache-tracker', '-profile-summary-info', '-forceattrs',
    '-inferattrs', '-ipsccp', '-globalopt', '-domtree', '-mem2reg',
    '-deadargelim', '-aa', '-instcombine', '-loop-unroll', '-lcssa',
    '-pgo-icall-prom', '-basiccg', '-globals-aa', '-prune-eh', '-inline',
    '-functionattrs', '-argpromotion', '-sroa', '-licm', '-instsimplify',
    '-early-cse', '-speculative-execution', '-lazy-value-info',
    '-jump-threading', '-correlated-propagation', '-simplifycfg',
    '-basicaa', '-tailcallelim', '-reassociate', '-scalar-evolution',
    '-loop-accesses', '-loop-vectorize', '-loop-load-elim',
    '-demanded-bits', '-slp-vectorizer', '-loops', '-constmerge',
    '-alignment-from-assumptions', '-strip-dead-prototypes', '-globaldce']


[docs]def get_defaults(): """Return the defaults for the experiment.""" pass_space = None if not pass_space: pass_space = DEFAULT_PASS_SPACE seq_length = None if not seq_length: seq_length = DEFAULT_SEQ_LENGTH iterations = None if not iterations: iterations = DEFAULT_NUM_ITERATIONS return (pass_space, seq_length, iterations)
[docs]def get_genetic_defaults(): """Returns the needed defaults for the genetic algorithms.""" chromosome_size = None if not chromosome_size: chromosome_size = DEFAULT_CHROMOSOME_SIZE population_size = None if not population_size: population_size = DEFAULT_POPULATION_SIZE generations = None if not generations: generations = DEFAULT_GENERATIONS return (chromosome_size, population_size, generations)
[docs]def get_args(cmd): """ Returns the arguments of a command. Asserts if the given command is not part of the experiment. Args: cmd: The clang command of which the arguments are returned. """ assert hasattr(cmd, 'cmd') if hasattr(cmd, 'args'): return cmd.args else: return get_args(cmd.cmd)
[docs]def set_args(cmd, new_args): """ Sets the arguments of a command. Also asserts if the command is empty. Args: cmd: The clang command that is getting its arguments set. new_args: The new additional arguments of the command. """ assert hasattr(cmd, 'cmd') if hasattr(cmd, 'args'): cmd.args = new_args else: set_args(cmd.cmd, new_args)
[docs]def filter_compiler_commandline(cmd, predicate=lambda x: True): """Filter unnecessary arguments for the compiler.""" args = get_args(cmd) result = [] iterator = args.__iter__() try: while True: litem = iterator.__next__() if litem in ['-mllvm', '-Xclang', '-o']: fst, snd = (litem, iterator.__next__()) litem = "{0} {1}".format(fst, snd) if predicate(litem): result.append(fst) result.append(snd) else: if predicate(litem): result.append(litem) except StopIteration: pass set_args(cmd, result)
[docs]def unique_compiler_cmds(run_f): """Verifys that compiler comands are not excecuted twice.""" list_compiler_commands = run_f["-###", "-c"] _, _, stderr = stderr = stderr.split('\n') for line in stderr: res ='\"{0}\"', line) if res and os.path.exists(res[0]): results = parse.findall('\"{0}\"', line) cmd = res[0] args = [x[0] for x in results][1:] compiler_cmd = local[cmd] compiler_cmd = compiler_cmd[args] compiler_cmd = compiler_cmd["-S", "-emit-llvm"] yield compiler_cmd
[docs]def create_ir(): """ Read out the ir to compare it before and after adding a flag from the pass to the sequence or work with its returnings. """ complete_ir = mktemp("-p", local.cwd) complete_ir = complete_ir.rstrip('\n') return complete_ir
[docs]def filter_invalid_flags(item): """Filter our all flags not needed for getting the compilestats.""" filter_list = [ "-O1", "-O2", "-O3", "-Os", "-O4" ] prefix_list = ['-o', '-l', '-L'] result = item not in filter_list result = result and not any([item.startswith(x) for x in prefix_list]) return result
[docs]def persist_sequence(run, sequence, fitness_val): """ Persist the sequence and its fitness value in the database. Args: run: The current run we are attached to, with all its information. sequence: The fittest sequence generated by an algorithm. fitness_val: The fittest algorithm generated by an algorithm. """ from benchbuild.utils import schema as s session = run.session session.add(s.Sequence(name=str(sequence), value=fitness_val, session.commit()
[docs]class SequenceReport(Report): """Handles the view of the sequences in the database.""" SUPPORTED_EXPERIMENTS = ["pj-seq-hillclimber", "pj-seq-genetic1-opt", "pj-seq-genetic2-opt", "pj-seq-greedy"] QUERY_TOTAL = \[ sa.column('sequence'), sa.column('fitness'), ]).select_from(sa.table('sequences'))
[docs] def report(self): print("I found the following matching experiment ids") print(" \n".join([str(x) for x in self.experiment_ids])) qry = SequenceReport.QUERY_TOTAL.unique_params( exp_ids=self.experiment_ids) yield ("complete", ('sequence', 'fitness'), self.session.execute(qry).fetchall())
[docs] def generate(self): """Generates the output of what is written in the database.""" for name, header, data in fname = os.path.basename(self.out_path) fname = "{prefix}_{name}{ending}".format( prefix=os.path.splitext(fname)[0], ending=os.path.splitext(fname)[-1], name=name) with open(fname, 'w') as csv_out: print("Writing '{0}'".format( csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_out) csv_writer.writerows([header]) csv_writer.writerows(data)
[docs]class RunSequence(ext.ExtractCompileStats): """ Execute and compile a given sequence, to calculate its fitness value with a given function and metric. """ def __call__(self, compiler, key, sequence, fitness_func, *args, **kwargs): local_compiler = compiler[sequence, "-polly-detect"] _, _, stderr = stats = [s for s in self.get_compilestats(stderr) if s['desc'] in [ "Number of regions that a valid part of Scop", "The # of regions" ]] scops = [s for s in stats if s['component'].strip() == 'polly-detect'] regns = [s for s in stats if s['component'].strip() == 'region'] regns_not_in_scops = [ fitness_func(r['value'], s['value']) for s, r in zip(scops, regns) ] if regns_not_in_scops: return (key, regns_not_in_scops[0]) else: return (key, sys.maxsize)
[docs]class FindFittestSequenceGenetic1(ext.RuntimeExtension): def __call__(self, cc, *args, **kwargs): """ Generates custom sequences using the first genetic opt algorithms. Args: project: The name of the project the test is being run for. experiment: The benchbuild.experiment. config: The config from benchbuild.settings. jobs: Number of cores to be used for the execution. run_f: The file that needs to be execute. args: List of arguments that will be passed to the wrapped binary. kwargs: Dictonary with the keyword arguments. Returns: The generated custom sequences as a list. """ seq_to_fitness = {} gene_pool, _, _ = get_defaults() chromosome_size, population_size, generations = get_genetic_defaults() run_info = track_execution(cc, self.project, self.experiment) def crossover(upper_half): """ Crossover of two genes. This crosses two gense and fills the vacancies in the population by using two random chromosomes and recombine their halfs. """ random1 = random.choice(upper_half) random2 = random.choice(upper_half) half_index = len(random1) // 2 new_chromosomes = [random1[:half_index] + random2[half_index:], random1[half_index:] + random2[:half_index], random2[:half_index] + random1[half_index:], random2[half_index:] + random1[:half_index]] return new_chromosomes def simulate_generation(chromosomes, gene_pool, seq_to_fitness): """Simulate the change of a population in a single generation.""" # calculate the fitness value of each chromosome jobs = CFG["jobs"].value() * 5 with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(jobs) as pool: future_to_fitness = extend_gene_future([], chromosomes, pool) for future_fitness in cf.as_completed(future_to_fitness): key, fitness = future_fitness.result() old_fitness = seq_to_fitness.get(key, sys.maxsize) seq_to_fitness[key] = min(old_fitness, int(fitness)) # sort the chromosomes by their fitness value chromosomes.sort(key=lambda c: seq_to_fitness[str(c)], reverse=True) # divide the chromosome into two halves and delete the weakest one index_half = len(chromosomes) // 2 lower_half = chromosomes[:index_half] upper_half = chromosomes[index_half:] # delete four weak chromosomes del lower_half[0] random.shuffle(lower_half) for _ in range(0, 3): lower_half.pop() new_chromosomes = crossover(upper_half) # mutate the fittest chromosome of this generation fittest_chromosome = upper_half.pop() lower_half = mutate(lower_half, gene_pool, 10) upper_half = mutate(upper_half, gene_pool, 5) # rejoin all chromosomes upper_half.append(fittest_chromosome) chromosomes = lower_half + upper_half + new_chromosomes return chromosomes, fittest_chromosome def generate_random_gene_sequence(gene_pool): """Generates a random sequence of genes.""" genes = [] for _ in range(chromosome_size): genes.append(random.choice(gene_pool)) return genes def extend_gene_future(future_to_fitness, chromosomes, pool): def fitness(lhs, rhs): """Defines the fitnesses metric.""" return (lhs - rhs) / rhs future_to_fitness.extend( [pool.submit(self.call_next, opt_cmd, str(chromosome), chromosome, fitness) for chromosome in chromosomes] ) return future_to_fitness def delete_duplicates(chromosomes, gene_pool): """Deletes duplicates in the chromosomes of the population.""" new_chromosomes = [] for chromosome in chromosomes: new_chromosomes.append(tuple(chromosome)) chromosomes = [] new_chromosomes = list(set(new_chromosomes)) diff = population_size - len(new_chromosomes) if diff > 0: for _ in range(diff): chromosomes.append( generate_random_gene_sequence(gene_pool)) for chromosome in new_chromosomes: chromosomes.append(list(chromosome)) return chromosomes def mutate(chromosomes, gene_pool, mutation_probability): """Performs mutation on chromosomes with a certain probability.""" mutated_chromosomes = [] for chromosome in chromosomes: mutated_chromosome = list(chromosome) chromosome_size = len(mutated_chromosome) for i in range(chromosome_size): if random.randint(1, 100) <= mutation_probability: mutated_chromosome[i] = random.choice(gene_pool) mutated_chromosomes.append(mutated_chromosome) return mutated_chromosomes with run_info as run: run_info = run() filter_compiler_commandline(cc, filter_invalid_flags) complete_ir = link_ir(cc) from benchbuild.utils.cmd import opt opt_cmd = opt[complete_ir, "-disable-output", "-stats"] chromosomes = [] fittest_chromosome = [] for _ in range(population_size): chromosomes.append(generate_random_gene_sequence(gene_pool)) for i in range(generations): chromosomes, fittest_chromosome = simulate_generation( chromosomes, gene_pool, seq_to_fitness) if i < generations - 1: chromosomes = delete_duplicates(chromosomes, gene_pool) persist_sequence(run_info, fittest_chromosome, seq_to_fitness[str(fittest_chromosome)])
[docs]class Genetic1Sequence(PolyJIT): """ This experiment is part of the sequence generating suite. The sequences for Poly are getting generated using the first of two genetic algorithms. Only the compilestats are getting written into a database for further analysis. """ NAME = "pj-seq-genetic1-opt"
[docs] def actions_for_project(self, project): """Execute the actions for the test.""" project = PolyJIT.init_project(project) project.cflags = ["-mllvm", "-stats"] cfg = {"jobs": int(CFG["jobs"].value())} project.compiler_extension = \ FindFittestSequenceGenetic1( project, self, RunSequence(project, self, config=cfg), config=cfg) return self.default_compiletime_actions(project)
[docs]class FindFittestSequenceGenetic2(ext.RuntimeExtension): def __call__(self, cc, *args, **kwargs): """ Generates custom sequences for a provided application using the second genetic opt algorithm. Args: project: The name of the project the test is being run for. experiment: The benchbuild.experiment. config: The config from benchbuild.settings. jobs: Number of cores to be used for the execution. run_f: The file that needs to be execute. args: List of arguments that will be passed to the wrapped binary. kwargs: Dictonary with the keyword arguments. Returns: The generated custom sequence. """ seq_to_fitness = {} gene_pool, _, _ = get_defaults() chromosome_size, population_size, generations = get_genetic_defaults() run_info = track_execution(cc, self.project, self.experiment) def generate_random_gene_sequence(gene_pool): """Generates a random sequence of genes.""" genes = [] for _ in range(chromosome_size): genes.append(random.choice(gene_pool)) return genes def extend_gene_future(future_to_fitness, chromosomes, pool): """Extend with future values from the chromosomes.""" def fitness(lhs, rhs): """Defines the fitnesses metric.""" return (lhs - rhs) / rhs future_to_fitness.extend( [pool.submit(self.call_next, opt_cmd, str(chromosome), chromosome, fitness) for chromosome in chromosomes] ) return future_to_fitness def delete_duplicates(chromosomes, gene_pool): """Deletes duplicates in the chromosomes of the population.""" new_chromosomes = [] for chromosome in chromosomes: new_chromosomes.append(tuple(chromosome)) chromosomes = [] new_chromosomes = list(set(new_chromosomes)) diff = population_size - len(new_chromosomes) if diff > 0: for _ in range(diff): chromosomes.append( generate_random_gene_sequence(gene_pool)) for chromosome in new_chromosomes: chromosomes.append(list(chromosome)) return chromosomes def mutate(chromosomes, gene_pool, mutation_probability): """Performs mutation on chromosomes with a certain probability.""" mutated_chromosomes = [] for chromosome in chromosomes: mutated_chromosome = list(chromosome) chromosome_size = len(mutated_chromosome) for i in range(chromosome_size): if random.randint(1, 100) <= mutation_probability: mutated_chromosome[i] = random.choice(gene_pool) mutated_chromosomes.append(mutated_chromosome) return mutated_chromosomes def crossover(fittest_chromosome, best_chromosomes): """ Crossover two genes and fill the vacancies in the population by taking two of the fittest chromosomes and recombining them. """ new_chromosomes = [] num_of_new = population_size - len(best_chromosomes) half_index = len(fittest_chromosome) // 2 while len(new_chromosomes) < num_of_new: best1 = random.choice(best_chromosomes) best2 = random.choice(best_chromosomes) new_chromosomes.append(best1[:half_index] + best2[half_index:]) if len(new_chromosomes) < num_of_new: new_chromosomes.append( best1[half_index:] + best2[:half_index]) if len(new_chromosomes) < num_of_new: new_chromosomes.append( best2[:half_index] + best1[half_index:]) if len(new_chromosomes) < num_of_new: new_chromosomes.append( best2[half_index:] + best1[:half_index]) return new_chromosomes def simulate_generation(chromosomes, gene_pool, seq_to_fitness): """Simulate the change of a population in a single generation.""" # calculate the fitness value of each chromosome jobs = CFG["jobs"].value() * 5 with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(jobs) as pool: future_to_fitness = extend_gene_future([], chromosomes, pool) for future_fitness in cf.as_completed(future_to_fitness): key, fitness = future_fitness.result() old_fitness = seq_to_fitness.get(key, sys.maxsize) seq_to_fitness[key] = min(old_fitness, int(fitness)) # sort the chromosomes by their fitness value chromosomes.sort(key=lambda c: seq_to_fitness[str(c)], reverse=True) # best 10% of chromosomes survive without change num_best = len(chromosomes) // 10 fittest_chromosome = chromosomes.pop() best_chromosomes = [fittest_chromosome] for _ in range(num_best - 1): best_chromosomes.append(chromosomes.pop()) new_chromosomes = crossover(fittest_chromosome, best_chromosomes) # mutate the new chromosomes new_chromosomes = mutate(new_chromosomes, gene_pool, 10) # rejoin all chromosomes chromosomes = best_chromosomes + new_chromosomes return chromosomes, fittest_chromosome with run_info as run: run_info = run() filter_compiler_commandline(cc, filter_invalid_flags) complete_ir = link_ir(cc) from benchbuild.utils.cmd import opt opt_cmd = opt[complete_ir, "-disable-output", "-stats"] chromosomes = [] fittest_chromosome = [] for _ in range(population_size): chromosomes.append(generate_random_gene_sequence(gene_pool)) for i in range(generations): chromosomes, fittest_chromosome = \ simulate_generation(chromosomes, gene_pool, seq_to_fitness) if i < generations - 1: chromosomes = delete_duplicates(chromosomes, gene_pool) persist_sequence(run_info, fittest_chromosome, seq_to_fitness[str(fittest_chromosome)])
[docs]class Genetic2Sequence(PolyJIT): """ An experiment that excecutes all projects with PolyJIT support. It is part of the sequence generating experiment suite. The sequences are getting generated for Poly using another than the first genetic algorithm. The compilestats are getting written into a database for further analysis. """ NAME = "pj-seq-genetic2-opt"
[docs] def actions_for_project(self, project): """Execute the actions for the test.""" p = PolyJIT.init_project(project) p.cflags = ["-mllvm", "-stats"] cfg = {"jobs": int(CFG["jobs"].value())} p.compiler_extension = \ FindFittestSequenceGenetic2( p, self, RunSequence(p, self, config=cfg), config=cfg) return Genetic2Sequence.default_compiletime_actions(p)
[docs]class FindFittestSequenceHillclimber(ext.RuntimeExtension): def __call__(self, cc, *args, **kwargs): seq_to_fitness = {} pass_space, seq_length, iterations = get_defaults() run_info = track_execution(cc, self.project, self.experiment) def fitness(lhs, rhs): """Defines the fitnesses metric.""" return lhs - rhs def extend_future(sequence, pool): """ Generate the future of the fitness values from the sequence. """ neighbours = [] future_to_fitness = [] # generate the neighbours of the current base sequence for i in range(seq_length): remaining_passes = list(pass_space) remaining_passes.remove(sequence[i]) for remaining_pass in remaining_passes: neighbour = list(sequence) neighbour[i] = remaining_pass neighbours.append(neighbour) future_to_fitness.extend( [pool.submit(self.call_next, opt_cmd, str(sequence), sequence, fitness)] ) future_to_fitness.extend( [pool.submit(self.call_next, opt_cmd, str(neighbour), neighbour, fitness) for neighbour in neighbours]) return future_to_fitness, neighbours def create_random_sequence(pass_space, seq_length): """Creates a random sequence.""" sequence = [] for _ in range(seq_length): sequence.append(random.choice(pass_space)) return sequence def climb(sequence, seq_to_fitness): """ Find the best sequence and calculate all of its neighbours. If the best performing neighbour is fitter than the base sequence, the neighbour becomes the new base sequence. Repeat until the base sequence has the best performance compared to its neighbours. """ changed = True future_to_fitness = [] base_sequence = sequence base_sequence_key = str(sequence) with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=CFG["jobs"].value() * 5) \ as pool: while changed: changed = False future_to_fitness, neighbours = \ extend_future(base_sequence, pool) for future_fitness in cf.as_completed(future_to_fitness): key, fitness_val = future_fitness.result() old_fitness = seq_to_fitness.get(key, sys.maxsize) seq_to_fitness[key] = min(old_fitness, fitness_val) for neighbour in neighbours: if seq_to_fitness[base_sequence_key] \ > seq_to_fitness[str(neighbour)]: base_sequence = neighbour base_sequence_key = str(neighbour) changed = True return base_sequence, seq_to_fitness with run_info as run: run_info = run() filter_compiler_commandline(cc, filter_invalid_flags) complete_ir = link_ir(cc) from benchbuild.utils.cmd import opt opt_cmd = opt[complete_ir, "-disable-output", "-stats"] best_sequence = [] seq_to_fitness = multiprocessing.Manager().dict() for _ in range(iterations): base_sequence = create_random_sequence(pass_space, seq_length) best_sequence, seq_to_fitness = \ climb(base_sequence, seq_to_fitness) if not best_sequence or seq_to_fitness[str(best_sequence)] \ > seq_to_fitness[str(base_sequence)]: best_sequence = base_sequence persist_sequence(run_info, best_sequence, seq_to_fitness[str(best_sequence)])
[docs]class HillclimberSequences(PolyJIT): """ This experiment is part of the sequence generating suite. The sequences for poly are getting generated using a hillclimber algorithm. The ouptut gets thrown away and the statistics of the compiling are written into a database to be analyzed later on. """ NAME = "pj-seq-hillclimber"
[docs] def actions_for_project(self, project): """Execute the actions for the test.""" project = PolyJIT.init_project(project) project.cflags = ["-mllvm", "-stats"] cfg = {'jobs': int(CFG["jobs"].value())} project.compiler_extension = \ FindFittestSequenceHillclimber( project, self, RunSequence(project, self, config=cfg), config=cfg) return HillclimberSequences.default_compiletime_actions(project)
[docs]class FindFittestSequenceGreedy(ext.RuntimeExtension): def __call__(self, cc, *args, **kwargs): seq_to_fitness = {} generated_sequences = [] pass_space, seq_length, iterations = get_defaults() run_info = track_execution(cc, self.project, self.experiment) def extend_future(base_sequence, pool): """Generate the future of the fitness values from the sequences.""" def fitness(lhs, rhs): """Defines the fitnesses metric.""" return lhs - rhs future_to_fitness = [] sequences = [] for flag in pass_space: new_sequences = [] new_sequences.append(list(base_sequence) + [flag]) if base_sequence: new_sequences.append([flag] + list(base_sequence)) sequences.extend(new_sequences) future_to_fitness.extend( [pool.submit( self.call_next, opt_cmd, str(seq), seq, fitness) for seq in new_sequences] ) return future_to_fitness, sequences def create_greedy_sequences(): """ Create an optimal sequence, using a greedy algorithm. Return: A list of the fittest generated sequences. """ jobs = CFG["jobs"].value() * 5 with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=jobs) as pool: for _ in range(iterations): base_sequence = [] while len(base_sequence) < seq_length: future_to_fitness, sequences = \ extend_future(base_sequence, pool) for future_fitness in cf.as_completed( future_to_fitness): key, fitness = future_fitness.result() old_fitness = seq_to_fitness.get(key, sys.maxsize) seq_to_fitness[key] = min(old_fitness, fitness) sequences.sort(key=lambda s: seq_to_fitness[str(s)], reverse=True) fittest = sequences.pop() fittest_fitness_value = seq_to_fitness[str(fittest)] fittest_sequences = [fittest] next_fittest = fittest while next_fittest == fittest and len(sequences) > 1: next_fittest = sequences.pop() if seq_to_fitness[str(next_fittest)] == \ fittest_fitness_value: fittest_sequences.append(next_fittest) base_sequence = random.choice(fittest_sequences) generated_sequences.append(base_sequence) return generated_sequences with run_info as run: run_info = run() filter_compiler_commandline(cc, filter_invalid_flags) complete_ir = link_ir(cc) from benchbuild.utils.cmd import opt opt_cmd = opt[complete_ir, "-disable-output", "-stats"] generated_sequences = create_greedy_sequences() generated_sequences.sort( key=lambda s: seq_to_fitness[str(s)], reverse=True) max_fitness = 0 for seq in generated_sequences: cur_fitness = seq_to_fitness[str(seq)] max_fitness = max(max_fitness, cur_fitness) fittest_sequence = generated_sequences.pop() persist_sequence(run_info, fittest_sequence, max_fitness)
[docs]class GreedySequences(PolyJIT): """ This experiment is part of the sequence generating experiment suite. Instead of the actual actions the compile stats for executing them are being written into the database. The sequences are getting generated with the greedy algorithm. This shall become the default experiment for sequence analysis. """ NAME = "pj-seq-greedy"
[docs] def actions_for_project(self, project): """Execute the actions for the test.""" project = PolyJIT.init_project(project) project.cflags = ["-mllvm", "-stats"] cfg = {'jobs': int(CFG["jobs"].value())} project.compiler_extension = \ FindFittestSequenceGreedy( project, self, RunSequence(project, self, config=cfg), config=cfg) return GreedySequences.default_compiletime_actions(project)