Source code for benchbuild.container

from abc import abstractmethod
import logging
import os
import sys

from benchbuild.utils.cmd import tar, mkdir, mv, rm, bash, cp
from benchbuild.settings import CFG, update_env
from benchbuild.utils import log
from benchbuild.utils.bootstrap import find_package, install_uchroot
from benchbuild.utils.path import mkfile_uchroot, mkdir_uchroot
from benchbuild.utils.path import list_to_path
from benchbuild.utils.container import Gentoo
from import (run, uchroot, uchroot_with_mounts,
                                  uchroot_no_args, uchroot_env,
from benchbuild.utils.downloader import Copy, update_hash
from benchbuild.utils.user_interface import ask
from plumbum import cli, local, TF, FG, ProcessExecutionError

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def clean_directories(builddir, in_dir=True, out_dir=True): """Remove the in and out of the container if confirmed by the user.""" with local.cwd(builddir): if in_dir and os.path.exists("container-in") and ask( "Should I delete '{0}'?".format(os.path.abspath( "container-in"))): rm("-rf", "container-in") if out_dir and os.path.exists("container-out") and ask( "Should I delete '{0}'?".format(os.path.abspath( "container-out"))): rm("-rf", "container-out")
[docs]def setup_directories(builddir): """Create the in and out directories of the container.""" with local.cwd(builddir): if not os.path.exists("container-in"): mkdir("-p", "container-in") if not os.path.exists("container-out"): mkdir("-p", "container-out")
[docs]def setup_container(builddir, container): """Prepare the container and returns the path where it can be found.""" with local.cwd(builddir): container_filename = str(container).split(os.path.sep)[-1] container_in = os.path.join("container-in", container_filename) Copy(container, container_in) uchroot = uchroot_no_args() with local.cwd("container-in"): uchroot = uchroot["-E", "-A", "-u", "0", "-g", "0", "-C", "-r", "/", "-w", os.path.abspath("."), "--"] # Check, if we need erlent support for this archive. has_erlent = bash[ "-c", "tar --list -f './{0}' | grep --silent '.erlent'".format( container_in)] has_erlent = (has_erlent & TF) # Unpack input container to: container-in if not has_erlent: cmd = local["/bin/tar"]["xf"] cmd = uchroot[cmd[container_filename]] else: cmd = tar["xf"] cmd = cmd[os.path.abspath(container_in)] with local.cwd("container-in"): cmd("--exclude=dev/*") rm(container_in) return os.path.join(builddir, "container-in")
[docs]def run_in_container(command, container_dir, mounts): """ Run a given command inside a container. Mounts a directory as a container at the given mountpoint and tries to run the given command inside the new container. """ with local.cwd(container_dir): uchroot = uchroot_with_mounts() uchroot = uchroot["-E", "-A", "-u", "0", "-g", "0", "-C", "-w", "/", "-r", os.path.abspath(container_dir)] uchroot = uchroot["--"] cmd_path = os.path.join(container_dir, command[0].lstrip('/')) if not os.path.exists(cmd_path): LOG.error( "The command does not exist inside the container! %s", cmd_path) return cmd = uchroot[command] return cmd & FG
[docs]def pack_container(in_container, out_file): container_filename = os.path.split(out_file)[-1] out_container = os.path.join("container-out", container_filename) out_container = os.path.abspath(out_container) out_tmp_filename = os.path.basename(out_container) out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_container) # Pack the results to: container-out with local.cwd(in_container): tar("cjf", out_container, ".") c_hash = update_hash(out_tmp_filename, out_dir) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): mkdir("-p", out_dir) mv(out_container, out_file) mv(out_container + ".hash", out_file + ".hash") new_container = {"path": out_file, "hash": str(c_hash)} CFG["container"]["known"].value().append(new_container)
[docs]def setup_bash_in_container(builddir, container, outfile, mounts, shell): """ Setup a bash environment inside a container. Creates a new chroot, which the user can use as a bash to run the wanted projects inside the mounted container, that also gets returned afterwards. """ with local.cwd(builddir): # Switch to bash inside uchroot print("Entering bash inside User-Chroot. Prepare your image and " "type 'exit' when you are done. If bash exits with a non-zero" "exit code, no new container will be stored.") store_new_container = True try: run_in_container(shell, container, mounts) except ProcessExecutionError: store_new_container = False if store_new_container: # pylint: disable=W0104 print("Packing new container image.") pack_container(container, outfile) config_path = CFG["config_file"].value() print("Storing config in {0}".format(os.path.abspath(config_path)))
[docs]def find_hash(container_db, key): """Find the first container in the database with the given key.""" for keyvalue in container_db: if keyvalue["hash"].startswith(key): return keyvalue["path"] return None
[docs]def set_input_container(container, cfg): """Save the input for the container in the configurations.""" if not container: return False if os.path.exists(container): cfg["container"]["input"] = container return True return False
[docs]class MockObj(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
[docs]class ContainerStrategy(object): """Interfaces for the different containers chosen by the experiment."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def run(self, context): pass
[docs]class BashStrategy(ContainerStrategy): """The user interface for setting up a bash inside the container."""
[docs] def run(self, context): print("Entering a shell in the container.\nUse the exit " "command to leave the container.") setup_bash_in_container(context.builddir, context.in_container, context.out_container, context.mounts,
[docs]class SetupPolyJITGentooStrategy(ContainerStrategy): """Interface of using gentoo as a container for an experiment."""
[docs] def write_wgetrc(self, path): """Wget the project from a specified link.""" mkfile_uchroot("/etc/wgetrc") with open(path, 'w') as wgetrc: hp = CFG["gentoo"]["http_proxy"].value() fp = CFG["gentoo"]["ftp_proxy"].value() if hp is not None: http_s = "http_proxy = {0}".format(str(hp)) https_s = "https_proxy = {0}".format(str(hp)) wgetrc.write("use_proxy = on\n") wgetrc.write(http_s + "\n") wgetrc.write(https_s + "\n") if fp is not None: fp_s = "ftp_proxy={0}".format(str(fp)) wgetrc.write(fp_s + "\n")
[docs] def write_makeconfig(self, path): """Create the stringed to be written in the settings.""" mkfile_uchroot("/etc/portage/make.conf") with open(path, 'w') as makeconf: lines = ''' PORTAGE_USERNAME=root PORTAGE_GROUPNAME=root CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe" CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" FEATURES="-xattr" CHOST="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" USE="bindist mmx sse sse2" PORTDIR="/usr/portage" DISTDIR="${PORTDIR}/distfiles" PKGDIR="${PORTDIR}/packages" ''' makeconf.write(lines) hp = CFG["gentoo"]["http_proxy"].value() if hp is not None: http_s = "http_proxy={0}".format(str(hp)) https_s = "https_proxy={0}".format(str(hp)) makeconf.write(http_s + "\n") makeconf.write(https_s + "\n") fp = CFG["gentoo"]["ftp_proxy"].value() if fp is not None: fp_s = "ftp_proxy={0}".format(str(fp)) makeconf.write(fp_s + "\n") rp = CFG["gentoo"]["rsync_proxy"].value() if rp is not None: rp_s = "RSYNC_PROXY={0}".format(str(rp)) makeconf.write(rp_s + "\n")
[docs] def write_bashrc(self, path): """Write inside a bash and update the shell if necessary.""" mkfile_uchroot("/etc/portage/bashrc") paths, libs = uchroot_env( uchroot_mounts("mnt", CFG["container"]["mounts"].value())) with open(path, 'w') as bashrc: lines = ''' export PATH="{0}:${{PATH}}" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="{1}:${{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}" '''.format(list_to_path(paths), list_to_path(libs)) bashrc.write(lines)
[docs] def write_layout(self, path): """Create a layout from the given path.""" mkdir_uchroot("/etc/portage/metadata") mkfile_uchroot("/etc/portage/metadata/layout.conf") with open(path, 'w') as layoutconf: lines = '''masters = gentoo''' layoutconf.write(lines)
[docs] def configure(self): """Configure the gentoo container for a PolyJIT experiment.""" self.write_bashrc("etc/portage/bashrc") self.write_makeconfig("etc/portage/make.conf") self.write_wgetrc("etc/wgetrc") self.write_layout("etc/portage/metadata/layout.conf") mkfile_uchroot("/etc/resolv.conf") cp("/etc/resolv.conf", "etc/resolv.conf") config_file = CFG["config_file"].value() if os.path.exists(str(config_file)): paths, libs = \ uchroot_env( uchroot_mounts("mnt", CFG["container"]["mounts"].value())) uchroot_cfg = CFG uchroot_cfg["env"]["path"] = paths uchroot_cfg["env"]["ld_library_path"] = libs uchroot_cfg["env"]["path"] = paths uchroot_cfg["env"]["ld_library_path"] = libs uchroot_cfg["env"]["path"] = paths uchroot_cfg["env"]["ld_library_path"] = libs mkfile_uchroot("/.benchbuild.json")".benchbuild.json")
[docs] def run(self, context): """Setup a gentoo container suitable for PolyJIT.""" # Don't do something when running non-interactive. if not sys.stdout.isatty(): return with local.cwd(context.in_container): self.configure() sed_in_chroot = uchroot()["/bin/sed"] emerge_in_chroot = uchroot()["/usr/bin/emerge"] has_pkg = uchroot()["/usr/bin/qlist", "-I"] run(sed_in_chroot["-i", '/CC=/d', "/etc/portage/make.conf"]) run(sed_in_chroot["-i", '/CXX=/d', "/etc/portage/make.conf"]) packages = \ CFG["container"]["strategy"]["polyjit"]["packages"].value() with local.env(CC="gcc", CXX="g++", MAKEOPTS="-j{0}".format(CFG["jobs"].value())): if CFG["container"]["strategy"]["polyjit"]["sync"].value(): run(emerge_in_chroot["--sync"]) if CFG["container"]["strategy"]["polyjit"]["upgrade"].value(): run(emerge_in_chroot["--autounmask-only=y", "-uUDN", "--with-bdeps=y", "@world"]) run(emerge_in_chroot["-uUDN", "--with-bdeps=y", "@world"]) for pkg in packages: if (has_pkg[pkg["name"]] & TF): continue env = pkg["env"] with local.env(**env): run(emerge_in_chroot[pkg["name"]]) print("Packing new container image.") with local.cwd(context.builddir): pack_container(context.in_container, context.out_container)
[docs]class Container(cli.Application): """Manage uchroot containers.""" VERSION = CFG["version"].value() def __init__(self, exe): super(Container, self).__init__(exe)
[docs] @cli.switch(["-i", "--input-file"], str, help="Input container path") def input_file(self, container): """Find the input path of a uchroot container.""" p = os.path.abspath(container) if set_input_container(p, CFG): return p = find_hash(CFG["container"]["known"].value(), container) if set_input_container(p, CFG): return raise ValueError("The path '{0}' does not exist.".format(p))
[docs] @cli.switch(["-o", "--output-file"], str, help="Output container path") def output_file(self, container): """Find and writes the output path of a chroot container.""" p = os.path.abspath(container) if os.path.exists(p): if not ask("Path '{0}' already exists." " Overwrite?".format(p)): sys.exit(0) CFG["container"]["output"] = p
[docs] @cli.switch(["-s", "--shell"], str, help="The shell command we invoke inside the container.") def shell(self, custom_shell): """The command to run inside the container.""" CFG["container"]["shell"] = custom_shell
[docs] @cli.switch(["-t", "-tmp-dir"], cli.ExistingDirectory, help="Temporary directory") def builddir(self, tmpdir): """Set the current builddir of the container.""" CFG["build_dir"] = tmpdir
[docs] @cli.switch( ["m", "--mount"], cli.ExistingDirectory, list=True, help="Mount the given directory under / inside the uchroot container") def mounts(self, user_mount): """Save the current mount of the container into the settings.""" CFG["container"]["mounts"] = user_mount
verbosity = cli.CountOf('-v', help="Enable verbose output")
[docs] def main(self, *args): log.configure() _log = logging.getLogger() _log.setLevel({ 3: logging.DEBUG, 2: logging.INFO, 1: logging.WARNING, 0: logging.ERROR }[self.verbosity]) update_env() builddir = os.path.abspath(str(CFG["build_dir"].value())) if not os.path.exists(builddir): response = ask("The build directory {dirname} does not exist yet. " "Should I create it?".format(dirname=builddir)) if response: mkdir("-p", builddir) print("Created directory {0}.".format(builddir)) setup_directories(builddir)
[docs]@Container.subcommand("run") class ContainerRun(cli.Application): """Execute commannds inside a prebuilt container."""
[docs] def main(self, *args): builddir = CFG["build_dir"].value() in_container = CFG["container"]["input"].value() mounts = CFG["container"]["mounts"].value() if (in_container is None) or not os.path.exists(in_container): in_is_file = False in_container = Gentoo().local else: in_is_file = os.path.isfile(in_container) if in_is_file: clean_directories(builddir) setup_directories(builddir) in_container = setup_container(builddir, in_container) run_in_container(args, in_container, mounts) clean_directories(builddir, in_is_file, False)
[docs]@Container.subcommand("create") class ContainerCreate(cli.Application): """ Create a new container with a predefined strategy. We offer a variety of creation policies for a new container. By default a basic 'spawn a bash' policy is used. This just leaves you inside a bash that is started in the extracted container. After customization you can exit the bash and pack up the result. """ _strategy = BashStrategy()
[docs] @cli.switch(["-S", "--strategy"], cli.Set("bash", "polyjit", case_sensitive=False), help="Defines the strategy used to create a new container.", mandatory=False) def strategy(self, strategy): self._strategy = { "bash": BashStrategy(), "polyjit": SetupPolyJITGentooStrategy() }[strategy]
[docs] def main(self, *args): builddir = CFG["build_dir"].value() in_container = CFG["container"]["input"].value() out_container = CFG["container"]["output"].value() mounts = CFG["container"]["mounts"].value() shell = CFG["container"]["shell"].value() if (in_container is None) or not os.path.exists(in_container): in_container = Gentoo().local in_is_file = os.path.isfile(in_container) if in_is_file: in_container = setup_container(builddir, in_container), in_container=in_container, out_container=out_container, mounts=mounts, shell=shell)) clean_directories(builddir, in_is_file, True)
[docs]@Container.subcommand("bootstrap") class ContainerBootstrap(cli.Application): """Check for the needed files."""
[docs] def install_cmake_and_exit(self): """Tell the user to install cmake and aborts the current process.""" print("You need to install cmake via your package manager manually." " Exiting.") sys.exit(-1)
[docs] def main(self, *args): print("Checking container binary dependencies...") if not find_package("uchroot"): if not find_package("cmake"): self.install_cmake_and_exit() install_uchroot() print("...OK") config_file = CFG["config_file"].value() if not (config_file and os.path.exists(config_file)): config_file = ".benchbuild.json" print("Storing config in {0}".format(os.path.abspath(config_file))) print( "Future container commands from this directory will automatically" " source the config file.")
[docs]@Container.subcommand("list") class ContainerList(cli.Application): """Prints a list of the known containers."""
[docs] def main(self, *args): containers = CFG["container"]["known"].value() for c in containers: print("[{1:.8s}] {0}".format(c["path"], str(c["hash"])))
[docs]def main(*args): return*args)