Source code for benchbuild.projects.benchbuild.bots

from plumbum import local

from benchbuild import project
from benchbuild.utils import compiler, download, run, wrapping
from benchbuild.utils.cmd import make, mkdir

[docs]@download.with_git("", limit=5) class BOTSGroup(project.Project): """ Barcelona OpenMP Task Suite. Barcelona OpenMP Task Suite is a collection of applications that allow to test OpenMP tasking implementations and compare its behaviour under certain circumstances: task tiedness, throttle and cut-offs mechanisms, single/multiple task generators, etc. Alignment: Aligns sequences of proteins. FFT: Computes a Fast Fourier Transformation. Floorplan: Computes the optimal placement of cells in a floorplan. Health: Simulates a country health system. NQueens: Finds solutions of the N Queens problem. Sort: Uses a mixture of sorting algorithms to sort a vector. SparseLU: Computes the LU factorization of a sparse matrix. Strassen: Computes a matrix multiply with Strassen's method. """ DOMAIN = 'bots' GROUP = 'bots' VERSION = 'HEAD' path_dict = { "alignment": "serial/alignment", "fft": "serial/fft", "fib": "serial/fib", "floorplan": "serial/floorplan", "health": "serial/health", "knapsack": "serial/knapsack", "nqueens": "serial/nqueens", "sort": "serial/sort", "sparselu": "serial/sparselu", "strassen": "serial/strassen", "uts": "serial/uts" } input_dict = { "alignment": ["prot.100.aa", "prot.20.aa"], "floorplan": ["input.15", "input.20", "input.5"], "health": ["large.input", "medium.input", "small.input", "test.input"], "knapsack": [ "knapsack-012.input", "knapsack-016.input", "knapsack-020.input", "knapsack-024.input", "knapsack-032.input", "knapsack-036.input", "knapsack-040.input", "knapsack-044.input", "knapsack-048.input", "knapsack-064.input", "knapsack-096.input", "knapsack-128.input" ], "uts": [ "huge.input", "large.input", "medium.input", "small.input", "test.input", "tiny.input" ] } SRC_FILE = "bots.git"
[docs] def compile(self): makefile_config = local.path(self.src_file) / "config" / "make.config" clang = with open(makefile_config, 'w') as config: lines = [ "LABEL=benchbuild", "ENABLE_OMPSS=", "OMPSSC=", "OMPC=", "CC={cc}", "OMPSSLINK=", "OMPLINK={cc} -fopenmp", "CLINK={cc}", "OPT_FLAGS=", "CC_FLAGS=", "OMPC_FLAGS=", "OMPSSC_FLAGS=", "OMPC_FINAL_FLAGS=", "OMPSSC_FINAL_FLAG=", "CLINK_FLAGS=", "OMPLINK_FLAGS=", "OMPSSLINK_FLAGS=", ] lines = [l.format(cc=clang) + "\n" for l in lines] config.writelines(lines) mkdir(local.path(self.src_file) / "bin") with local.cwd(self.src_file):["-C", self.path_dict[]])
[docs] def run_tests(self, runner): binary_name = "{name}.benchbuild.serial".format( binary_path = local.path(self.src_file) / "bin" / binary_name exp = wrapping.wrap(binary_path, self) if in self.input_dict: for test_input in self.input_dict[]: input_file = local.path( self.src_file) / "inputs" / / test_input runner(exp["-f", input_file]) else: runner(exp)
[docs]class Alignment(BOTSGroup): NAME = 'alignment'
[docs]class FFT(BOTSGroup): NAME = 'fft'
[docs]class Fib(BOTSGroup): NAME = 'fib'
[docs]class FloorPlan(BOTSGroup): NAME = 'floorplan'
[docs]class Health(BOTSGroup): NAME = 'health'
[docs]class Knapsack(BOTSGroup): NAME = 'knapsack'
[docs]class NQueens(BOTSGroup): NAME = 'nqueens'
[docs]class Sort(BOTSGroup): NAME = 'sort'
[docs]class SparseLU(BOTSGroup): NAME = 'sparselu'
[docs]class Strassen(BOTSGroup): NAME = 'strassen'
[docs]class UTS(BOTSGroup): NAME = 'uts'