Source code for benchbuild.experiment


An experiment in benchbuild is a simple list of actions that need to be
executed on every project that is part of the experiment.
Every `callable` can serve as an action.

However, benchbuild provides many predefined actions that can
be reused by implementations in the `benchbuild.utils.actions` module.
Furthermore, if you do not need to control the default order of
actions for a run-time or a compile-time experiment you can reuse the
`Experiment.default_runtime_actions` or

Besides the list of actions, it is also the responsibility of an experiment
to configure each single project that should take part in an experiment.
This includes setting appropriate `CFLAGS`, `LDFLAGS` and any additional
metadata that has to be added to binary runs for later evaluation.

class HelloExperiment(Experiment):

import collections
import copy
import uuid
from abc import abstractmethod

import attr

from benchbuild.settings import CFG
from benchbuild.utils.actions import (Clean, CleanExtra, Compile, Containerize,
                                      MakeBuildDir, Run)

[docs]class ExperimentRegistry(type): """Registry for benchbuild experiments.""" experiments = {} def __init__(cls, name, bases, _dict): """Register a project in the registry.""" super(ExperimentRegistry, cls).__init__(name, bases, _dict) if cls.NAME is not None: ExperimentRegistry.experiments[cls.NAME] = cls
[docs]@attr.s(cmp=False) class Experiment(metaclass=ExperimentRegistry): """ A series of commands executed on a project that form an experiment. The default implementation should provide a sane environment for all derivates. One important task executed by the basic implementation is setting up the default set of projects that belong to this project. As every project gets registered in the ProjectFactory, the experiment gets a list of experiment names that work as a filter. Attributes: name (str): The name of the experiment, defaults to NAME projects (:obj:`list` of `benchbuild.project.Project`): A list of projects that is assigned to this experiment. id (str): A uuid encoded as :obj:`str` used to identify this instance of experiment. Equivalent to the `experiment_group` in the database scheme. """ NAME = None SCHEMA = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new experiment instance and set some defaults.""" del args, kwargs # Temporarily unused new_self = super(Experiment, cls).__new__(cls) if cls.NAME is None: raise AttributeError( "{0} @ {1} does not define a NAME class attribute.".format( cls.__name__, cls.__module__)) return new_self name = attr.ib( default=attr.Factory(lambda self: type(self).NAME, takes_self=True)) projects = \ attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list)) id = attr.ib()
[docs] @id.default def default_id(self): cfg_exps = CFG["experiments"].value if in cfg_exps: _id = cfg_exps[] else: _id = uuid.uuid4() cfg_exps[] = _id CFG["experiments"] = cfg_exps return _id
[docs] @id.validator def validate_id(self, _, new_id): if not isinstance(new_id, uuid.UUID): raise TypeError("%s expected to be '%s' but got '%s'" % (str(new_id), str(uuid.UUID), str(type(new_id))))
schema = attr.ib()
[docs] @schema.default def default_schema(self): return type(self).SCHEMA
[docs] @schema.validator def validate_schema(self, _, new_schema): if new_schema is None: return True if isinstance(new_schema, return True return False
[docs] @abstractmethod def actions_for_project(self, project): """ Get the actions a project wants to run. Args: project (benchbuild.Project): the project we want to run. """
[docs] def actions(self): actions = [] for project in self.projects: p = self.projects[project](self) actions.append(Clean(p)) actions.append(MakeBuildDir(p)) project_actions = self.actions_for_project(p) actions.append(Containerize(obj=p, actions=project_actions)) actions.append(CleanExtra(self)) return actions
[docs] @staticmethod def default_runtime_actions(project): """Return a series of actions for a run time experiment.""" return [Compile(project), Run(project), Clean(project)]
[docs] @staticmethod def default_compiletime_actions(project): """Return a series of actions for a compile time experiment.""" return [Compile(project), Clean(project)]
[docs]class Configuration: """Build a set of experiment actions out of a list of configurations.""" def __init__(self, project=None, config=None): _project = copy.deepcopy(project) self.config = {} if project is not None and config is not None: self.config[_project] = config def __add__(self, rhs): self.config.update(rhs.config)