Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
benchbuild's run command.

This subcommand executes experiments on a set of user-controlled projects.
See the output of benchbuild run --help for more information.
import logging
import time

from plumbum import cli

from benchbuild import experiment, experiments, project
from benchbuild.cli.main import BenchBuild
from benchbuild.settings import CFG
from benchbuild.utils import actions, progress

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@BenchBuild.subcommand("run") class BenchBuildRun(cli.Application): """Frontend for running experiments in the benchbuild study framework.""" experiment_names = [] group_names = None test_full = cli.Flag( ["-F", "--full"], help="Test all experiments for the project", default=False)
[docs] @cli.switch( ["-E", "--experiment"], str, list=True, help="Specify experiments to run") def set_experiments(self, names): self.experiment_names = names
[docs] @cli.switch( ["-D", "--description"], str, help="A description for this experiment run") def set_experiment_tag(self, description): CFG["experiment_description"] = description
show_progress = cli.Flag( ["--disable-progress"], help="Disable progress bar", default=True)
[docs] @cli.switch( ["-G", "--group"], str, list=True, requires=["--experiment"], help="Run a group of projects under the given experiments") def set_group(self, groups): self.group_names = groups
pretend = cli.Flag(['p', 'pretend'], default=False) def __generate_plan(self, exps, prjs): for exp_cls in exps.values(): exp = exp_cls(projects=prjs) eactn = actions.Experiment(obj=exp, actions=exp.actions()) yield eactn
[docs] @staticmethod def setup_progress(cfg, num_actions): """Setup a progress bar. Args: cfg: Configuration dictionary. num_actions (int): Number of actions in the plan. Returns: The configured progress bar. """ pg_bar = progress.ProgressBar( width=80, pg_char='|', length=num_actions, has_output=int(cfg["verbosity"]) > 0, body=True, timer=False) def on_step_end(step, func): del step, func pg_bar.increment() actions.Step.ON_STEP_END.append(on_step_end) return pg_bar
[docs] def main(self, *projects): """Main entry point of benchbuild run.""" experiment_names = self.experiment_names group_names = self.group_names all_exps = experiment.ExperimentRegistry.experiments if self.test_full: exps = all_exps else: exps = dict( filter(lambda pair: pair[0] in set(experiment_names), all_exps.items())) unknown_exps = list( filter(lambda name: name not in all_exps.keys(), set(experiment_names))) if unknown_exps: print('Could not find ', str(unknown_exps), ' in the experiment registry.') prjs = project.populate(projects, group_names) if not exps: print("Could not find any experiment. Exiting.") return -2 plan = list(self.__generate_plan(exps, prjs)) num_actions = actions.num_steps(plan) actions.print_steps(plan) if self.pretend: exit(0) if self.show_progress: pg_bar = type(self).setup_progress(CFG, num_actions) pg_bar.start() start = time.perf_counter() failed = execute_plan(plan) end = time.perf_counter() if self.show_progress: pg_bar.done() print_summary(num_actions, failed, end - start) return len(failed)
[docs]def execute_plan(plan): """"Execute the plan. Args: plan (:obj:`list` of :obj:`actions.Step`): The plan we want to execute. Returns: (:obj:`list` of :obj:`actions.Step`): A list of failed actions. """ results = [action() for action in plan] return [result for result in results if actions.step_has_failed(result)]