Source code for benchbuild.utils.settings

Configuration utilities.

Settings are stored in a dictionary-like configuration object.
All settings are modifiable by environment variables that encode
the path in the dictionary tree.

Inner nodes in the dictionary tree can be any dictionary.
A leaf node in the dictionary tree is represented by an inner node that contains a value key.
import copy
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import uuid
import warnings

import attr
import six
import yaml
from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound, get_distribution
from plumbum import local

import benchbuild.utils.user_interface as ui

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    __version__ = get_distribution("benchbuild").version
except DistributionNotFound:
    __version__ = "unknown"
    LOG.error("could not find version information.")

[docs]def available_cpu_count(): """ Get the number of available CPUs. Number of available virtual or physical CPUs on this system, i.e. user/real as output by time(1) when called with an optimally scaling userspace-only program. Returns: Number of avaialable CPUs. """ # cpuset # cpuset may restrict the number of *available* processors try: match ='(?m)^Cpus_allowed:\s*(.*)$', open('/proc/self/status').read()) if match: res = bin(int(',', ''), 16)).count('1') if res > 0: return res except IOError: LOG.debug("Could not get the number of allowed CPUs") # try: import psutil return psutil.cpu_count() # psutil.NUM_CPUS on old versions except (ImportError, AttributeError): LOG.debug("Could not get the number of allowed CPUs") # POSIX try: res = int(os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN')) if res > 0: return res except (AttributeError, ValueError): LOG.debug("Could not get the number of allowed CPUs") # Linux try: res = open('/proc/cpuinfo').read().count('processor\t:') if res > 0: return res except IOError: LOG.debug("Could not get the number of allowed CPUs") raise Exception('Can not determine number of CPUs on this system')
[docs]class InvalidConfigKey(RuntimeWarning): """Warn, if you access a non-existing key benchbuild's configuration."""
[docs]def escape_yaml(raw_str): """ Shell-Escape a yaml input string. Args: raw_str: The unescaped string. """ escape_list = [char for char in raw_str if char in ['!', '{', '[']] if len(escape_list) == 0: return raw_str str_quotes = '"' i_str_quotes = "'" if str_quotes in raw_str and str_quotes not in raw_str[1:-1]: return raw_str if str_quotes in raw_str[1:-1]: raw_str = i_str_quotes + raw_str + i_str_quotes else: raw_str = str_quotes + raw_str + str_quotes return raw_str
[docs]def is_yaml(cfg_file): return os.path.splitext(cfg_file)[1] in [".yml", ".yaml"]
[docs]class ConfigLoader(yaml.Loader): """Avoid polluting yaml's namespace with our modifications.""" pass
[docs]class ConfigDumper(yaml.Dumper): """Avoid polluting yaml's namespace with our modifications.""" pass
[docs]def to_yaml(value): stream = dumper = ConfigDumper(stream, default_flow_style=True, width=sys.maxsize) val = None try: dumper.represent(value) val = stream.getvalue().strip() dumper.close() finally: dumper.dispose() return val
[docs]def to_env_var(env_var, value): val = to_yaml(value) ret_val = "%s=%s" % (env_var, escape_yaml(val)) return ret_val
[docs]class Configuration(): """ Dictionary-like data structure to contain all configuration variables. This serves as a configuration dictionary throughout benchbuild. You can use it to access all configuration options that are available. Whenever the structure is updated with a new subtree, all variables defined in the new subtree are updated from the environment. Environment variables are generated from the tree paths automatically. CFG["build_dir"] becomes BB_BUILD_DIR CFG["llvm"]["dir"] becomes BB_LLVM_DIR The configuration can be stored/loaded as YAML. Examples: >>> from benchbuild.utils import settings as s >>> c = s.Configuration('bb') >>> c['test'] = 42 >>> c['test'] BB_TEST=42 >>> str(c['test']) '42' >>> type(c['test']) <class 'benchbuild.utils.settings.Configuration'> """ def __init__(self, parent_key, node=None, parent=None, init=True): self.parent = parent self.parent_key = parent_key self.node = node if node is not None else {} if init: self.init_from_env()
[docs] def filter_exports(self): if self.has_default(): do_export = True if "export" in self.node: do_export = self.node["export"] if not do_export: self.parent.node.pop(self.parent_key) else: selfcopy = copy.deepcopy(self) for k in self.node: if selfcopy[k].is_leaf(): selfcopy[k].filter_exports() self.__dict__ = selfcopy.__dict__
[docs] def store(self, config_file): """ Store the configuration dictionary to a file.""" selfcopy = copy.deepcopy(self) selfcopy.filter_exports() with open(config_file, 'w') as outf: yaml.dump( selfcopy.node, outf, width=80, indent=4, default_flow_style=False, Dumper=ConfigDumper)
[docs] def load(self, _from): """Load the configuration dictionary from file.""" def load_rec(inode, config): """Recursive part of loading.""" for k in config: if isinstance(config[k], dict) and \ k not in ['value', 'default']: if k in inode: load_rec(inode[k], config[k]) else: LOG.debug("+ config element: '%s'", k) else: inode[k] = config[k] with open(_from, 'r') as infile: obj = yaml.load(infile, Loader=ConfigLoader) upgrade(obj) load_rec(self.node, obj) self['config_file'] = os.path.abspath(_from)
[docs] def has_value(self): """Check, if the node contains a 'value'.""" return isinstance(self.node, dict) and 'value' in self.node
[docs] def has_default(self): """Check, if the node contains a 'default' value.""" return isinstance(self.node, dict) and 'default' in self.node
[docs] def is_leaf(self): """Check, if the node is a 'leaf' node.""" return self.has_value() or self.has_default()
[docs] def init_from_env(self): """ Initialize this node from environment. If we're a leaf node, i.e., a node containing a dictionary that consist of a 'default' key, compute our env variable and initialize our value from the environment. Otherwise, init our children. """ if 'default' in self.node: env_var = self.__to_env_var__().upper() if self.has_value(): env_val = self.node['value'] else: env_val = self.node['default'] env_val = os.getenv(env_var, to_yaml(env_val)) try: self.node['value'] = yaml.load( str(env_val), Loader=ConfigLoader) except ValueError: self.node['value'] = env_val else: if isinstance(self.node, dict): for k in self.node: self[k].init_from_env()
@property def value(self): """ Return the node value, if we're a leaf node. Examples: >>> c = Configuration("test") >>> c['x'] = { "y" : { "value" : None }, "z" : { "value" : 2 }} >>> c['x']['y'].value == None True >>> c['x']['z'].value 2 >>> c['x'].value TEST_X_Y=null TEST_X_Z=2 """ def validate(node_value): if hasattr(node_value, 'validate'): node_value.validate() return node_value if 'value' in self.node: return validate(self.node['value']) return self def __getitem__(self, key): if key not in self.node: warnings.warn( "Access to non-existing config element: {0}".format(key), category=InvalidConfigKey, stacklevel=2) return Configuration(key, init=False) return Configuration(key, parent=self, node=self.node[key], init=False) def __setitem__(self, key, val): if key in self.node: self.node[key]['value'] = val else: if isinstance(val, dict): self.node[key] = val else: self.node[key] = {'value': val} def __iadd__(self, rhs): """ Append a value to a list value. Tests: >>> CFG = Configuration('test', node={'t': {'default': []}}) >>> CFG['t'] TEST_T="[]" Append a value to a list. >>> CFG['t'] += 'a'; CFG['t'] TEST_T="[a]" Append a value to a scalar. >>> CFG = Configuration('test', node={'t': {'default': 0}}) >>> CFG['t'] += 2 Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: Configuration node value does not support +=. """ if not self.has_value(): raise TypeError("Inner configuration node does not support +=.") value = self.node['value'] if not hasattr(value, '__iadd__'): raise TypeError("Configuration node value does not support +=.") value += rhs return value def __int__(self): """ Convert the node's value to bool, if available. Tests: >>> CFG = Configuration('test', node={'i': {'default': 1}}) >>> int(CFG['i']) 1 >>> CFG['d'] = []; int(CFG['d']) Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'list' """ if not self.has_value(): raise ValueError( 'Inner configuration nodes cannot be converted to int.') return int(self.value) def __bool__(self): """ Convert the node's value to bool, if available. Tests: >>> CFG = Configuration('test', node={'b': {'default': True}}) >>> bool(CFG['b']) True >>> CFG['b'] = []; bool(CFG['b']) False """ if not self.has_value(): return True return bool(self.value) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.node def __str__(self): if 'value' in self.node: return str(self.node['value']) return str(self.node) def __repr__(self): """ Represents the configuration as a list of environment variables. Tests: What happens when we represent an int? >>> CFG = Configuration('test') >>> CFG['int'] = {'default': 3}; CFG['int'] TEST_INT=3 What happens when we represent a str? >>> CFG['str'] = {'default': 'test'}; CFG['str'] TEST_STR=test What happens when we represent a bool? >>> CFG['bool'] = {'default': True}; CFG['bool'] TEST_BOOL=true What happens when we represent a dict? >>> CFG['dict'] = {'default': {'test': True}}; CFG['dict'] TEST_DICT="{test: true}" What happens when we represent an uuid? >>> CFG['uuid'] = {'default': uuid.UUID('cc3702ca-699a-4aa6-8226-4c938f294d9b')}; CFG['uuid'] TEST_UUID=cc3702ca-699a-4aa6-8226-4c938f294d9b What happens when we nest an uuid in a dict? >>> CFG['nested_uuid'] = {'A': {'default': {'a': uuid.UUID('cc3702ca-699a-4aa6-8226-4c938f294d9b')}}} >>> CFG['nested_uuid']['A'].value TEST_NESTED_UUID_A="{a: cc3702ca-699a-4aa6-8226-4c938f294d9b}" """ _repr = [] if self.has_value(): return to_env_var(self.__to_env_var__(), self.node['value']) if self.has_default(): return to_env_var(self.__to_env_var__(), self.node['default']) for k in self.node: _repr.append(repr(self[k])) return "\n".join(sorted(_repr)) def __to_env_var__(self): parent_key = self.parent_key if self.parent: return (self.parent.__to_env_var__() + "_" + parent_key).upper() return parent_key.upper()
[docs] def to_env_dict(self): """Convert configuration object to a flat dictionary.""" entries = {} if self.has_value(): return {self.__to_env_var__(): self.node['value']} if self.has_default(): return {self.__to_env_var__(): self.node['default']} for k in self.node: entries.update(self[k].to_env_dict()) return entries
[docs]def convert_components(value): is_str = isinstance(value, six.string_types) new_value = value if is_str: if os.path.sep in new_value: new_value = new_value.split(os.path.sep) else: new_value = [new_value] new_value = [c for c in new_value if c != ''] return new_value
[docs]@attr.s(str=False, frozen=True) class ConfigPath: """ Wrapper around paths represented as list of strings. Tests: >>> path = local.path('/tmp/test/foo') >>> p = ConfigPath(['tmp']); str(p) '/tmp' >>> p = ConfigPath(str(path)); str(p) '/tmp/test/foo' >>> p.validate() The path '/tmp/test/foo' is required by your configuration. >>> p.validate(); path.delete() >>> p = ConfigPath([]); str(p) '/' """ components = attr.ib(converter=convert_components)
[docs] def validate(self): """Make sure this configuration path exists.""" path = local.path(ConfigPath.path_to_str(self.components)) if not path.exists(): print("The path '%s' is required by your configuration." % path) yes = ui.ask( "Should I create '%s' for you?" % path, default_answer=True, default_answer_str="yes") if yes: path.mkdir() else: LOG.error("User denied path creation of '%s'.", path) if not path.exists(): LOG.error("The path '%s' needs to exist.", path)
[docs] @staticmethod def path_to_str(components): if components: return os.path.sep + os.path.sep.join(components) return os.path.sep
def __str__(self): return ConfigPath.path_to_str(self.components)
[docs]def path_representer(dumper, data): """ Represent a ConfigPath object as a scalar YAML node. Tests: >>> yaml.add_representer(ConfigPath, path_representer) >>> yaml.dump({'test': ConfigPath('/tmp/test/foo')}) "{test: !create-if-needed '/tmp/test/foo'}\\n" """ return dumper.represent_scalar('!create-if-needed', '%s' % data)
[docs]def path_constructor(loader, node): """" Construct a ConfigPath object form a scalar YAML node. Tests: >>> yaml.add_constructor("!create-if-needed", path_constructor) >>> yaml.load("{'test': !create-if-needed '/tmp/test/foo'}") {'test': ConfigPath(components=['tmp', 'test', 'foo'])} """ value = loader.construct_scalar(node) return ConfigPath(value)
[docs]def find_config(test_file=None, defaults=None, root=os.curdir): """ Find the path to the default config file. We look at :root: for the :default: config file. If we can't find it there we start looking at the parent directory recursively until we find a file named :default: and return the absolute path to it. If we can't find anything, we return None. Args: default: The name of the config file we look for. root: The directory to start looking for. Returns: Path to the default config file, None if we can't find anything. """ if defaults is None: defaults = [".benchbuild.yml", ".benchbuild.yaml"] def walk_rec(cur_path, root): cur_path = local.path(root) / test_file if cur_path.exists(): return cur_path new_root = local.path(root) / os.pardir return walk_rec(cur_path, new_root) if new_root != root else None if test_file is not None: return walk_rec(test_file, root) for test_file in defaults: ret = walk_rec(test_file, root) if ret is not None: return ret
[docs]def setup_config(cfg, config_filenames=None, env_var_name=None): """ This will initialize the given configuration object. The following resources are available in the same order: 1) Default settings. 2) Config file. 3) Environment variables. WARNING: Environment variables do _not_ take precedence over the config file right now. (init_from_env will refuse to update the value, if there is already one.) Args: config_filenames: list of possible config filenames env_var_name: name of the environment variable holding the config path """ if env_var_name is None: env_var_name = "BB_CONFIG_FILE" config_path = os.getenv(env_var_name, None) if not config_path: config_path = find_config(defaults=config_filenames) if config_path: cfg.load(config_path) cfg["config_file"] = os.path.abspath(config_path) cfg.init_from_env()
[docs]def update_env(cfg): env = cfg["env"].value path = env.get("PATH", "") path = os.path.pathsep.join(path) if "PATH" in os.environ: path = os.path.pathsep.join([path, os.environ["PATH"]]) os.environ["PATH"] = path lib_path = env.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "") lib_path = os.path.pathsep.join(lib_path) if "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in os.environ: lib_path = os.path.pathsep.join( [lib_path, os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]]) os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = lib_path # Update local's env property because we changed the environment # of the running python process. local.env.update(PATH=os.environ["PATH"]) local.env.update(LD_LIBRARY_PATH=os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"])
[docs]def upgrade(cfg): """Provide forward migration for configuration files.""" db_node = cfg["db"] old_db_elems = ["host", "name", "port", "pass", "user", "dialect"] has_old_db_elems = [x in db_node for x in old_db_elems] if any(has_old_db_elems): print("Old database configuration found. " "Converting to new connect_string. " "This will *not* be stored in the configuration automatically.") cfg["db"]["connect_string"] = \ "{dialect}://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{name}".format( dialect=cfg["db"]["dialect"]["value"], user=cfg["db"]["user"]["value"], password=cfg["db"]["pass"]["value"], host=cfg["db"]["host"]["value"], port=cfg["db"]["port"]["value"], name=cfg["db"]["name"]["value"])
[docs]def uuid_representer(dumper, data): """" Represent a uuid.UUID object as a scalar YAML node. Tests: >>> yaml.add_representer(uuid.UUID, uuid_representer) >>> yaml.dump({'test': uuid.UUID('cc3702ca-699a-4aa6-8226-4c938f294d9b')}) "{test: !uuid 'cc3702ca-699a-4aa6-8226-4c938f294d9b'}\\n" """ return dumper.represent_scalar('!uuid', '%s' % data)
[docs]def uuid_constructor(loader, node): """" Construct a uuid.UUID object form a scalar YAML node. Tests: >>> yaml.add_constructor("!uuid", uuid_constructor) >>> yaml.load("{'test': !uuid 'cc3702ca-699a-4aa6-8226-4c938f294d9b'}") {'test': UUID('cc3702ca-699a-4aa6-8226-4c938f294d9b')} """ value = loader.construct_scalar(node) return uuid.UUID(value)
[docs]def uuid_add_implicit_resolver(Loader=ConfigLoader, Dumper=ConfigDumper): """ Attach an implicit pattern resolver for UUID objects. Tests: >>> class TestDumper(yaml.Dumper): pass >>> class TestLoader(yaml.Loader): pass >>> TUUID = 'cc3702ca-699a-4aa6-8226-4c938f294d9b' >>> IN = {'test': uuid.UUID(TUUID)} >>> OUT = '{test: cc3702ca-699a-4aa6-8226-4c938f294d9b}' >>> yaml.add_representer(uuid.UUID, uuid_representer, Dumper=TestDumper) >>> yaml.add_constructor('!uuid', uuid_constructor, Loader=TestLoader) >>> uuid_add_implicit_resolver(Loader=TestLoader, Dumper=TestDumper) >>> yaml.dump(IN, Dumper=TestDumper) '{test: cc3702ca-699a-4aa6-8226-4c938f294d9b}\\n' >>> yaml.load(OUT, Loader=TestLoader) {'test': UUID('cc3702ca-699a-4aa6-8226-4c938f294d9b')} """ uuid_regex = r'^\b[a-f0-9]{8}-\b[a-f0-9]{4}-\b[a-f0-9]{4}-\b[a-f0-9]{4}-\b[a-f0-9]{12}$' pattern = re.compile(uuid_regex) yaml.add_implicit_resolver('!uuid', pattern, Loader=Loader, Dumper=Dumper)
def __init_module__(): yaml.add_representer(uuid.UUID, uuid_representer, Dumper=ConfigDumper) yaml.add_representer(ConfigPath, path_representer, Dumper=ConfigDumper) yaml.add_constructor('!uuid', uuid_constructor, Loader=ConfigLoader) yaml.add_constructor( '!create-if-needed', path_constructor, Loader=ConfigLoader) uuid_add_implicit_resolver() __init_module__()