Source code for

"""Experiment helpers."""
import logging
import sys
import typing as t
from contextlib import contextmanager

from plumbum import TEE, local
from plumbum.commands import ProcessExecutionError

import attr
from benchbuild import settings, signals

CFG = settings.CFG
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@attr.s(cmp=False) class RunInfo: """ Execution context of wrapped binaries. Execution of tracked binaries is guarded with this context object. In here we store everything about a single binary execution for consumption of an experiment. Attributes: cmd (): failed (): project (): experiment (): retcode (): stdout (): stderr (): db_run (): session (): """ def __begin(self, command, project, ename, group): """ Begin a run in the database log. Args: command: The command that will be executed. pname: The project name we belong to. ename: The experiment name we belong to. group: The run group we belong to. Returns: (run, session), where run is the generated run instance and session the associated transaction for later use. """ from benchbuild.utils.db import create_run from benchbuild.utils import schema as s from datetime import datetime db_run, session = create_run(command, project, ename, group) db_run.begin = db_run.status = 'running' log = s.RunLog() log.run_id = log.begin = log.config = repr(CFG) session.add(log) session.add(db_run) self.db_run = db_run self.session = session def __end(self, stdout, stderr): """ End a run in the database log (Successfully). This will persist the log information in the database and commit the transaction. Args: db_run: The ``run`` schema object we belong to session: The db transaction we belong to. stdout: The stdout we captured of the run. stderr: The stderr we capture of the run. """ from benchbuild.utils.schema import RunLog from datetime import datetime run_id = log = self.session.query(RunLog).filter(RunLog.run_id == run_id).one() log.stderr = stderr log.stdout = stdout log.status = 0 log.end = self.db_run.end = self.db_run.status = 'completed' self.session.add(log) self.session.add(self.db_run) def __fail(self, retcode, stdout, stderr): """ End a run in the database log (Unsuccessfully). This will persist the log information in the database and commit the transaction. Args: db_run: The ``run`` schema object we belong to session: The db transaction we belong to. retcode: The return code we captured of the run. stdout: The stdout we captured of the run. stderr: The stderr we capture of the run. """ from benchbuild.utils.schema import RunLog from datetime import datetime run_id = log = self.session.query(RunLog).filter(RunLog.run_id == run_id).one() log.stderr = stderr log.stdout = stdout log.status = retcode log.end = self.db_run.end = self.db_run.status = 'failed' self.failed = True self.session.add(log) self.session.add(self.db_run) cmd = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) failed = attr.ib(default=False) project = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) experiment = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) retcode = attr.ib(default=0) stdout = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list), repr=False) stderr = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list), repr=False) db_run = attr.ib(init=False, default=None) session = attr.ib(init=False, default=None, repr=False) payload = attr.ib(init=False, default=None, repr=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.__begin(self.cmd, self.project,, self.project.run_uuid) signals.handlers.register(self.__fail, 15, "SIGTERM", "SIGTERM") run_id = settings.CFG["db"]["run_id"] = run_id
[docs] def add_payload(self, name, payload): if self == payload: return if not self.payload: self.payload = {name: payload} else: self.payload.update({name: payload})
@property def has_failed(self): """Check, whether this run failed.""" return self.failed def __call__(self, *args, expected_retcode=0, ri=None, **kwargs): cmd_env = settings.CFG.to_env_dict() with local.env(**cmd_env): try: bin_name = sys.argv[0] retcode, stdout, stderr = \ self.cmd & TEE(retcode=expected_retcode) f_stdout = bin_name + ".stdout" f_stderr = bin_name + ".stderr" with open(f_stdout, 'w') as fd_stdout: fd_stdout.write(stdout) with open(f_stderr, 'w') as fd_stderr: fd_stderr.write(stderr) self.retcode = retcode self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.__end(str(stdout), str(stderr)) except ProcessExecutionError as ex: self.__fail(ex.retcode, ex.stderr, ex.stdout) self.retcode = ex.retcode self.stdout = ex.stdout self.stderr = ex.stderr LOG.debug("Tracked process failed") LOG.error(str(ex)) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.retcode = retcode self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.__fail(-1, "", "KeyboardInterrupt") LOG.warning("Interrupted by user input") raise finally: signals.handlers.deregister(self.__fail) return self
[docs] def commit(self): self.session.commit()
[docs]def begin_run_group(project): """ Begin a run_group in the database. A run_group groups a set of runs for a given project. This models a series of runs that form a complete binary runtime test. Args: project: The project we begin a new run_group for. Returns: ``(group, session)`` where group is the created group in the database and session is the database session this group lives in. """ from benchbuild.utils.db import create_run_group from datetime import datetime group, session = create_run_group(project) group.begin = group.status = 'running' session.commit() return group, session
[docs]def end_run_group(group, session): """ End the run_group successfully. Args: group: The run_group we want to complete. session: The database transaction we will finish. """ from datetime import datetime group.end = group.status = 'completed' session.commit()
[docs]def fail_run_group(group, session): """ End the run_group unsuccessfully. Args: group: The run_group we want to complete. session: The database transaction we will finish. """ from datetime import datetime group.end = group.status = 'failed' session.commit()
[docs]def exit_code_from_run_infos(run_infos: t.List[RunInfo]) -> int: """Generate a single exit code from a list of RunInfo objects. Takes a list of RunInfos and returns the exit code that is furthest away from 0. Args: run_infos (t.List[RunInfo]): [description] Returns: int: [description] """ assert run_infos is not None if not hasattr(run_infos, "__iter__"): return run_infos.retcode rcs = [ri.retcode for ri in run_infos] max_rc = max(rcs) min_rc = min(rcs) if max_rc == 0: return min_rc return max_rc
[docs]@contextmanager def track_execution(cmd, project, experiment, **kwargs): """Guard the execution of the given command. The given command (`cmd`) will be executed inside a database context. As soon as you leave the context we will commit the transaction. Any necessary modifications to the database can be identified inside the context with the RunInfo object. Args: cmd: The command we guard. project: The project we track for. experiment: The experiment we track for. Yields: RunInfo: A context object that carries the necessary database transaction. """ runner = RunInfo(cmd=cmd, project=project, experiment=experiment, **kwargs) yield runner runner.commit()
[docs]def run(command, retcode=0): """Execute a plumbum command, depending on the user's settings. Args: command: The plumbumb command to execute. """ return command & TEE(retcode=retcode)
[docs]def with_env_recursive(cmd, **envvars): """ Recursively updates the environment of cmd and all its subcommands. Args: cmd - A plumbum command-like object **envvars - The environment variables to update Returns: The updated command. """ from plumbum.commands.base import BoundCommand, BoundEnvCommand if isinstance(cmd, BoundCommand): cmd.cmd = with_env_recursive(cmd.cmd, **envvars) elif isinstance(cmd, BoundEnvCommand): cmd.envvars.update(envvars) cmd.cmd = with_env_recursive(cmd.cmd, **envvars) return cmd
[docs]def in_builddir(sub='.'): """ Decorate a project phase with a local working directory change. Args: sub: An optional subdirectory to change into. """ from functools import wraps def wrap_in_builddir(func): """Wrap the function for the new build directory.""" @wraps(func) def wrap_in_builddir_func(self, *args, **kwargs): """The actual function inside the wrapper for the new builddir.""" p = local.path(self.builddir) / sub if not p.exists(): LOG.error("%s does not exist.", p) if p == local.cwd: LOG.debug("CWD already is %s", p) return func(self, *args, *kwargs) with local.cwd(p): return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrap_in_builddir_func return wrap_in_builddir
[docs]def store_config(func): """Decorator for storing the configuration in the project's builddir.""" from functools import wraps @wraps(func) def wrap_store_config(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapper that contains the actual storage call for the config.""" / ".benchbuild.yml") return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrap_store_config