Source code for

# Downloading helper functions for benchbuild.

The helpers defined in this module provide access to some common Downloading
methods for the source code of benchbuild projects.
All downloads will be cached in BB_TMP_DIR and locked down with a hash that
is generated after the first download. If the hash matches the file/folder
found in BB_TMP_DIR, nothing will be downloaded at all.

Supported methods:
        Copy, CopyNoFail, Wget, Git, Svn, Rsync
import logging
import os

from plumbum import local

from benchbuild.settings import CFG

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_hash_of_dirs(directory): """ Recursively hash the contents of the given directory. Args: directory (str): The root directory we want to hash. Returns: A hash of all the contents in the directory. """ import hashlib sha = hashlib.sha512() if not os.path.exists(directory): return -1 for root, _, files in os.walk(directory): for name in files: filepath = local.path(root) / name if filepath.exists(): with open(filepath, 'rb') as next_file: for line in next_file: sha.update(line) return sha.hexdigest()
[docs]def source_required(src_file): """ Check, if a download is required. Args: src_file: The filename to check for. src_root: The path we find the file in. Returns: True, if we need to download something, False otherwise. """ if not src_file.exists(): return True required = True hash_file = src_file.with_suffix(".hash", depth=0) LOG.debug("Hash file location: %s", hash_file) if hash_file.exists(): new_hash = get_hash_of_dirs(src_file) with open(hash_file, 'r') as h_file: old_hash = h_file.readline() required = not new_hash == old_hash if required: from benchbuild.utils.cmd import rm rm("-r", src_file) rm(hash_file) if required:"Source required for: %s", src_file) LOG.debug("Reason: src-exists: %s hash-exists: %s", src_file.exists(), hash_file.exists()) return required
[docs]def update_hash(src_file): """ Update the hash for the given file. Args: src: The file name. root: The path of the given file. """ hash_file = local.path(src_file) + ".hash" new_hash = 0 with open(hash_file, 'w') as h_file: new_hash = get_hash_of_dirs(src_file) h_file.write(str(new_hash)) return new_hash
[docs]def Copy(From, To): """ Small copy wrapper. Args: From (str): Path to the SOURCE. To (str): Path to the TARGET. """ from benchbuild.utils.cmd import cp cp("-ar", "--reflink=auto", From, To)
[docs]def CopyNoFail(src, root=None): """ Just copy fName into the current working directory, if it exists. No action is executed, if fName does not exist. No Hash is checked. Args: src: The filename we want to copy to '.'. root: The optional source dir we should pull fName from. Defaults to benchbuild.settings.CFG["tmpdir"]. Returns: True, if we copied something. """ if root is None: root = str(CFG["tmp_dir"]) src_path = local.path(root) / src if src_path.exists(): Copy(src_path, '.') return True return False
[docs]def Wget(src_url, tgt_name, tgt_root=None): """ Download url, if required. Args: src_url (str): Our SOURCE url. tgt_name (str): The filename we want to have on disk. tgt_root (str): The TARGET directory for the download. Defaults to ``CFG["tmpdir"]``. """ if tgt_root is None: tgt_root = str(CFG["tmp_dir"]) from benchbuild.utils.cmd import wget tgt_file = local.path(tgt_root) / tgt_name if not source_required(tgt_file): Copy(tgt_file, ".") return wget(src_url, "-O", tgt_file) update_hash(tgt_file) Copy(tgt_file, ".")
[docs]def with_wget(url_dict=None, target_file=None): """ Decorate a project class with wget-based version information. This adds two attributes to a project class: - A `versions` method that returns a list of available versions for this project. - A `repository` attribute that provides a repository string to download from later. We use the `git rev-list` subcommand to list available versions. Args: url_dict (dict): A dictionary that assigns a version to a download URL. target_file (str): An optional path where we should put the clone. If unspecified, we will use the `SRC_FILE` attribute of the decorated class. """ def wget_decorator(cls): def download_impl(self): """Download the selected version from the url_dict value.""" t_file = target_file if target_file else self.SRC_FILE t_version = url_dict[self.version] Wget(t_version, t_file) @staticmethod def versions_impl(): """Return a list of versions from the url_dict keys.""" return list(url_dict.keys()) cls.versions = versions_impl = download_impl return cls return wget_decorator
[docs]def Git(repository, directory, rev=None, prefix=None, shallow_clone=True): """ Get a clone of the given repo Args: repository (str): Git URL of the SOURCE repo. directory (str): Name of the repo folder on disk. tgt_root (str): TARGET folder for the git repo. Defaults to ``CFG["tmpdir"]`` shallow_clone (bool): Only clone the repository shallow Defaults to true """ repository_loc = str(prefix) if prefix is None: repository_loc = str(CFG["tmp_dir"]) from benchbuild.utils.cmd import git src_dir = local.path(repository_loc) / directory if not source_required(src_dir): Copy(src_dir, ".") return extra_param = [] if shallow_clone: extra_param.append("--depth") extra_param.append("1") git("clone", extra_param, repository, src_dir) if rev: with local.cwd(src_dir): git("checkout", rev) update_hash(src_dir) Copy(src_dir, ".") return repository_loc
[docs]def with_git(repo, target_dir=None, limit=None, refspec="HEAD", clone=True, rev_list_args=None): """ Decorate a project class with git-based version information. This adds two attributes to a project class: - A `versions` method that returns a list of available versions for this project. - A `repository` attribute that provides a repository string to download from later. We use the `git rev-list` subcommand to list available versions. Args: repo (str): Repository to download from, this will be stored in the `repository` attribute of the decorated class. target_dir (str): An optional path where we should put the clone. If unspecified, we will use the `SRC_FILE` attribute of the decorated class. limit (int): Limit the number of commits to consider for available versions. Versions are 'ordered' from latest to oldest. refspec (str): A git refspec string to start listing the versions from. clone (bool): Should we clone the repo if it isn't already available in our tmp dir? Defaults to `True`. You can set this to False to avoid time consuming clones, when the project has not been accessed at least once in your installation. ref_list_args (list of str): Additional arguments you want to pass to `git rev-list`. """ if not rev_list_args: rev_list_args = [] def git_decorator(cls): from benchbuild.utils.cmd import git @staticmethod def versions_impl(): """Return a list of versions from the git hashes up to :limit:.""" directory = cls.SRC_FILE if target_dir is None else target_dir repo_prefix = local.path(str(CFG["tmp_dir"])) repo_loc = local.path(repo_prefix) / directory if source_required(repo_loc): if not clone: return [] git("clone", repo, repo_loc) update_hash(repo_loc) with local.cwd(repo_loc): rev_list = git("rev-list", "--abbrev-commit", refspec, *rev_list_args).strip().split('\n') latest = git("rev-parse", "--short=8", refspec).strip().split('\n') cls.VERSION = latest[0] return rev_list[:limit] if limit else rev_list def download_impl(self): """Download the selected version.""" nonlocal target_dir, git directory = cls.SRC_FILE if target_dir is None else target_dir Git(self.repository, directory) with local.cwd(directory): git("checkout", self.version) cls.versions = versions_impl = download_impl cls.repository = repo return cls return git_decorator
[docs]def Svn(url, fname, to=None): """ Checkout the SVN repo. Args: url (str): The SVN SOURCE repo. fname (str): The name of the repo on disk. to (str): The name of the TARGET folder on disk. Defaults to ``CFG["tmpdir"]`` """ if to is None: to = str(CFG["tmp_dir"]) src_dir = local.path(to) / fname if not source_required(src_dir): Copy(src_dir, ".") return from benchbuild.utils.cmd import svn svn("co", url, src_dir) update_hash(src_dir) Copy(src_dir, ".")
[docs]def Rsync(url, tgt_name, tgt_root=None): """ RSync a folder. Args: url (str): The url of the SOURCE location. fname (str): The name of the TARGET. to (str): Path of the target location. Defaults to ``CFG["tmpdir"]``. """ if tgt_root is None: tgt_root = str(CFG["tmp_dir"]) from benchbuild.utils.cmd import rsync tgt_dir = local.path(tgt_root) / tgt_name if not source_required(tgt_dir): Copy(tgt_dir, ".") return rsync("-a", url, tgt_dir) update_hash(tgt_dir) Copy(tgt_dir, ".")